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"I wouldna let you near her the nicht though you gaed on your knees to me. But whaur is he?" Babbie explained why Gavin had set off for the Spittal; but Jean shook her head incredulously, saying, "I canna believe you're that grand leddy, and yet ilka time I look at you I could near believe it." In another minute Jean had something else to think of, for there came a loud rap upon the front door.

"O, you leave that to me; I'm one of Longhurst's crowd, you know," said Jim, with sudden bristling vanity. "Any man that's good enough for me, is good enough for them." "Who are they?" asked Nares. "M'Intyre and Spittal," said Jim. "O, well, give me a card of yours," said the captain: "you needn't bother to write; I keep M'Intyre and Spittal in my vest-pocket."

Gilbert's later Cathedral, may have been used by the later jarls, and a few miles south of Halkirk are the foundations of the Spittal of St. Magnus, part of which, and of St. Peter's Church at Thurso may be Norse.

At the Spittal, between which and Thrums this is a halfway house, were gathered two hundred men in kilts, and many gentry from the neighboring glens, to celebrate the earl's marriage, which was to take place on the morrow, and thither, too, had gone many of my pupils to gather gossip, at which girls of six are trustier hands than boys of twelve.

Rintoul only bought the Spittal a year ago, and until then, I daresay, he had seldom been on our side of the Border." This was a foolish, interruption, for it set Walter Lunny off in a new direction. "That's what Elspeth says. Says she, 'When the earl has grand estates in England, what for does he come to a barren place like the Spittal to be married!

"Some of the Spittal servants suspect it, nevertheless," Babbie answered, "though how much they know I cannot say. He has not a servant now, either here or in England, who knew me as a child. The gardener who befriended me was sent away long ago. Lord Rintoul looks upon me as a disgrace to him that he cannot live without." "I dare say he cares for you more than you think," Gavin said gravely.

"I had not forgotten," I replied. "What else made me tell you last night that Babbie was in Nanny's house?" "But now you are afraid now when the deed is done, when for me there can be no turning back. Whatever be the issue, I should be a cur to return to Thrums without my wife. Every minute I feel my strength returning, and before you reach Thrums I will have set out to the Spittal."

Nevertheless, there will not, I am convinced, be any marriage at the Spittal to-day, When he carried her off from the Toad's-hole, he acted under impulses not dissimilar to those that took you to it. Then, I doubt not, he thought possession was all the law, but that scene on the hill has staggered him by this morning.

Thence to Westminster Hall, where I heard an action very finely pleaded between my Lord Dorset and some other noble persons, his lady and other ladies of quality being here, and it was about; L330 per annum, that was to be paid to a poor Spittal, which was given by some of his predecessors; and given on his side.

I need one, for Lean's after me wi' a gun. He had a shot at me two days syne." Dickson exclaimed, and Dougal with morose pride showed a rent in his kilt. "If I had had on breeks, he'd ha' got me." "Who's Lean?" Heritage asked. "The man wi' the black coat. The other the lame one they ca' Spittal." "How d'you know?" "I've listened to them crackin' thegither."