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At the same time I must not be slighted and affronted as I am now, for such treatment weighs greatly on my spirits. The petty spites I speak of have prevented me from doing what I want to do these many months; one cannot work at one thing with the hands, another with the brain, especially in marble.

And then she had come to the higher table-land of life, and had borne all the spites of fortune, had been poor and rich, and happy and sorrowful; had lost and won a hundred times over; had sat at feasts, and kneeled by deathbeds, and followed her best-beloved to the grave, often, often crying out to God above to liberate her, to make an end of her anguish, for that her strength was exhausted and she could bear no more.

Then, as a middle course, I thought I would creep back to my kennel and die there; but I was happily dissuaded from such a mean surrender to Fortune's Spites through the all-unknowing agency of a Bull, that, spying me from afar off where he was feeding, came thundering across two fields and through a shallow stream, routed me up from my refuge, and chased me into the open.

Where is there a city, or a town, or a village, in which are no bickerings, no jealousies, no angers, no petty or swollen spites?

Naturally, being constituted as he is, Brenton, once he had cut his wisdom teeth, turned balky, refused to see why he should love a God who behaved like a bad-tempered child that spites the toy he has broken and beats the wall where he has bumped his head. Meanwhile " "Do I " Opdyke was beginning. Whittenden waved aside the interruption. "No; you don't come in yet. Be patient.

We had very nearly sent the defendant up for a long term in the 'pen, when we got wind that these two fellows had been bitter enemies old spites and that there was something queer about the complainant's shanty. We sent out to examine. The fellow had stuck bits of glass all over the inside of his shack walls and then cut his own back to pay an old grudge against the other man.

He appeals, in a phrase consciously influenced by Plato's metaphysics, to 'the idea of a comprehensive movement of disillusioned and illuminated men behind the shams and patriotisms, the spites and personalities of the ostensible world.... There are some signs, in America as well as in England, that an increasing number of those thinkers who are both passionately in earnest in their desire for social change and disappointed in their experience of democracy, may, as an alternative to the cold-blooded manipulation of popular impulse and thought by professional politicians, turn 'back to Plato'; and when once this question is started, neither our existing mental habits nor our loyalty to democratic tradition will prevent it from being fully discussed.

"Ach, but that spites me. I'd like to see it and have you tell where the buttons come from. I like old things like that, I do." "Then mebbe you'd like to see my friendship cane," said Aunt Rebecca. "Oh, yes! What's that?" Amanda rose from her chair, eager to see what a friendship cane could be. "My goodness, sit down! You get me all hoodled up when you act so jumpy," said the aunt.

The little affairs of men which they thought so great seemed to me in that hour very little and wicked like the scheming of naughty children, or the quarrels and spites of efts in a muddy pond.

Therefore, since he refused to comply without hearing, he was wanted on the spot imperatively, now. Irony perusing History offers the beaten and indolent a sugary acid in the indication of the spites and the pranks, the whims and the tastes, at the springs of main events. It is, taken by itself, destructive nourishment.