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She took up a candle and, as rapidly as if some one were pursuing her, ran downstairs, woke Spiridonovna, and began assuring her she had been joking. Then she went to her bedroom. Red-haired Masha, who was dozing in an arm-chair near the bed, jumped up and began shaking up the pillows. Her face was exhausted and sleepy, and her magnificent hair had fallen on one side.

"A happy Christmas," she said, and she kissed Anna Akimovna on the shoulder. "It's all I could do, all I could do to get to you, my kind friends." She kissed Auntie on the shoulder. "I should have come to you this morning, but I went in to some good people to rest on the way. 'Stay, Spiridonovna, stay, they said, and I did not notice that evening was coming on."

And it was a long time before this causeless laughter died down in the dining-room. She was informed that the Stinging Beetle had come. This was a pilgrim woman called Pasha or Spiridonovna a thin little woman of fifty, in a black dress with a white kerchief, with keen eyes, sharp nose, and a sharp chin; she had sly, viperish eyes and she looked as though she could see right through every one.

Varvarushka glanced at the ikons again and crossed herself. "But no one will have me, Spiridonovna," said Anna Akimovna to change the conversation. "What's to be done?" "It's your own fault. You keep waiting for highly educated gentlemen, but you ought to marry one of your own sort, a merchant." "We don't want a merchant," said Auntie, all in a flutter. "Queen of Heaven, preserve us!

He has a sanctimonious expression of face, he reads nothing but religious and edifying books, but at the christening party, in his delight that Lyubov Spiridonovna had passed through her confinement successfully, he had permitted himself to drink four glasses of vodka and a glass of wine, the taste of which suggested something midway between vinegar and castor oil.