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Near the same place a reddish sandstone occurs in which are innumerable traces of a fossil vegetable, apparently Sphenopteris, the stems and branches of which are disposed as if the plants were standing erect on the spot where they originally grew, the sand having been gently deposited upon and around them; and similar appearances have been remarked in other places in this formation.

In some places, as at Stammerham, Horsham, near there, are indications of this clay having been exposed so as to dry and crack before the next layer was thrown down upon it. Sphenopteris gracilis, Fitton. From the Hastings Sands near Tunbridge Wells. a.

Two or three of these, as Calamites gigas, Sphenopteris erosa, and S. lobata, are also met with in the government of Perm in Russia. Cardiocarpon Ottonis. Neoggerathia cuneifolia. Brongniart. Coniferae, of the Araucarian division, also occur; but these are likewise met with both in older and newer rocks.

I see that river, with its trees and shrubs, all unknown now except in museums the vegetation of the Coal Period the lepidodendron, the lepidostrobus, the pecopteris, the neuropteris, the lonchopteris, the odontopteris, the sphenopteris, the cyclopteris, the sigellaria veniformis, the sphenophyllium, the calamites " Melick started to his feet. "There, there!" he cried, "hold hard, doctor.