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'Spesh'ly 's she ain't very rugged, an' sickly gals had oughter hev rich husbands." "But, father, Sairy an' me loves o' 'nother." "Oh, wal, then it's tew late ter say nothin'," said the old man with a mingled sigh and smile as, raising his basket of quahaugs to his shoulder, he walked off, pressing his bare feet into the yielding sand with the firm but clumsy tread of vigorous old age.

"I learned from Squire Osborne, of Bourbonton, that a teacher was wanted in this neighborhood. I had intended going to Major Gilcrest's to-night, but made the wrong turning, and then met your old servant, who directed me here." "You're welcome, I'm shore, 'spesh'ly ef you're a schoolmastah. We'd begun to think we warn't to hev no school a'tall this wintah.

He's down whar they're geth'rin' cawn, I reckon." Seizing a split broom as she spoke, she brushed the hearth, then gave a tap with her foot to the smouldering logs, which broke into a blaze and sent a shower of sparks up the wide chimney. "The days is gittin' cooler, 'spesh'ly ez night comes on.

I've knowed all your debts, 'spesh'ly that ye owe that sneakin' hound Parker; and thar isn't a time that I couldn't and wouldn't hev chipped in and paid 'em for ye for your father's sake ef I'd allowed it to be the square thing for ye. But I know ye, Jeff. I know what's in your BLOOD. I knew your father allus dreamin', hopin, waitin'; I know YOU, Jeff, dreamin', hopin', waitin' till the end.

'Spesh'ly as I think she's a Britisher. Blast her!" The old Quaker was not accustomed to use strong language of any sort, but evidently the human nature in him was so powerful in this instance that he could not help indulging in the most emphatic admissible invective. But the mother and wife were not so easily satisfied.

And you sez to me, ez man to man, 'Bill, sez you, 'might you hev a kepple o' hundred dollars about ye that ye could lend a man ez was leaving the county, dead broke? and I sez, 'I've got it, and I know of an op'nin' for such a man in the next county. And you steps into THAT op'nin', and your creditors 'spesh'ly Parker slips into THIS, and in a week they offers to settle with ye ten cents on the dollar."

Mars Jim 'lowed dey 'peared ter be sump'n fermilyus 'bout de mule's face, 'spesh'ly his eyes; but he had n' los' naer mule, en did n' hab no recommemb'ance er habin' seed de mule befo'. He ax' de po' buckrah whar he got de mule, en de po' buckrah say his brer raise' de mule down on Rockfish Creek.

"'Pears to me, though, she acted more lak a stepmother couldn't manidge us herse'f, but wuz jealous uv us settin' up fur ourse'ves. Still, that's all past an' gone. We got our freedom ez soon ez it wuz good fur us, I reckon; so I shan't hold no gredge agin her 'spesh'ly ez it won't mek a mite o' diffruns to her ef I do. Whut part o' Virginny air you frum, suh?" "Culpeper County, near "

"I'd just as soon," he said. "I'd kind of like to see how a cat acts when it's getting bathed." "I think it would be spesh'ly inter'sting to wash Persian cats," Florence added, with increasing enthusiasm. "I never washed a cat in my life." "Neither have I," said Herbert. "I always thought they did it themselves." Kitty Silver sniffed. "Ain't I says so to you' Aunt Julia?