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We confess that the sacrament is an occasion of inward worship in the receiving of it; for in eucharistia exercetur summa fides, spes, charitas, religio, caeteraeque virtutes, quibus Deum colimus et glorificamus.

The mystery of such lives remains forever unintelligible to those young men who are there, made for the daily battle, beautiful beings of instinct and of strength, a prey to all the desires; created to enjoy life and to suffer from it, to love it and to continue it O crux, ave, spes unica! One sees them no longer, they have re-entered their little, solitary convent.

Thorstein's kin welcomed them both right heartily, and soon saw that Spes was bountiful and high-minded, and she speedily became exceeding well befriended. Some children they had between them, and they abode on their lands, and were well content with their life. In those days was Magnus the Good king over Norway.

In the preface of the Syllabica on the art of Prosody dedicated to him by Pompilio, the latter hails him as the hope and ornament of the Hous of Borgia "Borgiae familiae spes et decus." From Perugia he was moved in 1491 to the famous University of Pisa, a college frequented by the best of Italy.

The dungeon was close to the public road and Thorsteinn sang so loud that it resounded from the walls; the man who before was half dead had much joy therefrom. In this way he sang every evening. There was a very distinguished lady in that town, the owner of a large establishment, very rich and highly born. Her name was Spes.

She stayed long outside in the evening and the night, for she was anxious to know whether Thorsteinn had reached the land. When she saw the light she knew that he had landed, for that was the signal which they had agreed upon. The next morning Spes proposed to her husband that they should speak with the bishop on their matter.

But Thorstein and Spes divided their share of the goods, and some they gave to churches for their souls' health, and some they took with them. Then they betook themselves Romeward, and many folk prayed well for them. <i>How Thorstein Dromund and Spes fared to Rome and died there</i>.

Men say that he acted by the advice of Harald the son of Sigurd, and it is thought that they would not have got out of it as they did if they had not made use of him and his wits. After a time Sigurd gave out that he was about to go abroad on some business. His wife did not try to dissuade him. When he was gone Thorsteinn came to Spes and they were always together.

And the idea was that some friend of Gawdy's not a relation, because he had none, poor devil! he was the last of his line: kind of spes ultima gentis must have planned to get hold of Francis's boy and put an end to his line, too.

Treatise of Human Nature, book i., part iv., sect. vi., "Of Personal Identity": "I never can catch myself at any time without a perception, and never can observe anything but the perception." Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church, lecture i., sect. iii. 1 Cor. i. 23. Paris, 1910. Parce unicæ spes totius orbis. TERTULLIANUS, Adversus Marcionem, 5.