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I shall stop here a few periods and enjoy my "Oatem cum dig the tates," as our skool master observes, in the buzzum of my famerly, & shall then resume the show biznis, which Ive bin into twenty-two yeres and six months. My naburs is mourn harf crazy on the new-fangled ideas about Sperrets.

I shall leeve British sile 4thwith. Gents, I arroved in Cleveland on Saturday P.M. from Baldinsville jest in time to fix myself up and put on a clean biled rag to attend Miss Picklehomony's grate musical sorry at the Melodeon. The krowds which pored into the hall augured well for the show bizniss, & with cheerful sperrets I jined the enthoosiastic throng. I asked Mr.

She 'lows me no privileges, and if I didn't go off sometimes for a little fun, I shouldn't have no health, nor sperrets nother." "You wouldn't have any sperrits, that's certain," said Alice, laughing; "I should like to see a bottle of whisky in Aunt Phillis's cabin." Bacchus laughed outright, infinitely overcome at the suggestion. "My blessed grief!

Sez I, "my frens, it's troo I'm hear, & now bring on your Sperrets." 1 of the long hared fellers riz up and sed he would state a few remarks. He sed man was a critter of intelleck & was movin on to a Gole. Sum men had bigger intellecks than other men had and thay wood git to the Gole the soonerest. Sum men was beests & wood never git into the Gole at all.

"Here's a gent wants you in the shop," says Mr. Mossrose, leaving the door of communication wide open. "Say I'm in bed, Mr. Mossrose; I'm out of sperrets, and really can see nobody." "It's someone from Vindsor, I think; he's got the royal button," says Mossrose. "It's me Woolsey," shouted the little man from the shop. Mr.