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"Tired! no; this hour has been so perfect, my heart yearns for many such." "See, my god-mother has deserted us unnoticed; ah! what a spell is there in music." "The magnetism of your dear presence; ah, Circe! Circe what spells you weave," and there is a tender light in his eyes.

He came, and boldly seized the splendid throne, And all thy spells, and sorceries, and magic, Were instantly dissolved by higher power, And all who dwelt within thy palace walls, Demon or man, all utterly destroyed, Their severed heads cast weltering on the ground."

The Tuat was like the African "bush," and had no roads through it. In primitive times the Egyptians thought that only those souls that were provided with spells, incantations, prayers, charms, words of power, and amulets could ever hope to reach the Kingdom of Osiris.

'It is the only way that I can free myself from the spells that were laid by the giants on me and the raven; for I was a girl and he was a youth wooing me! So have no fears, but do as I have said. Then Ian drew his sword as she bade him, and cut off her head, and went on his way without looking backwards. As he walked he saw a woman standing at her house door.

We can assign no reason for the odium under which the one lay, and the repute in which the other was held, save that the art, though one, was termed witchcraft in the one case, and religion in the other. The one was compelled to shroud his mysteries in the darkness of the night, and seek the solitary cave for the performance of his spells.

The emperor, who by this time was thoroughly frightened, said he would agree to anything Virgilius desired. So Virgilius took off his spells, and, after feasting the army and bestowing on every man a gift, bade them return to Rome.

The presence of the child in the house might be the cause of recurring spells of depression and unkind words, but there would be another and greater influence restraining him. There would always be her soul to consider. He would never again be utterly unconscious of her soul.

Only be sure and say we must 'ave a day or so to work the spells and put on the kibosh. "So 'twas settled, and dinner was put off for that night, anyhow. And the next day being sunny, Rosy took the queen's picture.

They were wearied and their thirst was consuming them. But still that bronze man stood there ready to sink their ship with the great rocks that he took up in his hands. Medea stood forward upon the ship, ready to use her spells against the man of bronze. In body and limbs he was made of bronze and in these he was invulnerable.

"Let me keep you for a few minutes, sir," said he, "while I dilate on this point in one direction. In the drawing-room female spells are too potent for us male orators. In going among us, Mr. Glascock, you must not look for luxury or refinement, for you will find them not. Nor must you hope to encounter the highest order of erudition.