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The nymphs had not turned out upon the usual principles of feminine gatherings 'Spectatum venit, venit spectentur it ipsae; and yet, between them, the two parties reciprocated the functions. Each to the other was a true spectacle. A long Scotchman, 'Qui sicca solus secum spatiatur arena,

"Spectatum veniunt, veniunt spectentur ut ipsae." Paris, February 2, 1802. Independently of the general organization of Public Instruction, according to the new plan, of which I have before traced you the leading features, there exist several schools appropriate to different professions, solely devoted to the Public Service, and which require particular knowledge in the arts and sciences.

Perhaps an occasional word dropped here and there into the ears of a cavalier may be included in it; and the "spectentur" also may include a word so received. But the Miss Tristrams came for hunting. Perhaps there might be a slight shade of affectation in the manner by which they would appear to come for that and that only.

Nor did they commence their day's work as did other girls who came out on hunting mornings. With most such it is clear to see that the object is pretty much the same here as in the ballroom. "Spectatum veniunt; veniunt spectentur ut ipsæ," as it is proper, natural, and desirable that they should do. By that word "spectatum" I would wish to signify something more than the mere use of the eyes.

We are also fastened with a chain, only ours is somewhat longer than that of the prisoner. But we will not think of this; let us go down to where the beautiful ladies are walking." "To see and to be seen," cried Wilhelm. "'Spectatum veniunt; veniunt spectentur ut ipsae, as Ovid says." The friends quitted the wall. "There comes my scholar, little Jonas!" cried Wilhelm.

Spectatum veniunt: veniunt spectentur ut ipsae. And then, without a word about the play, or the smallest hint that he or the ladies really cared about such things, he goes off into the familiar story of the rape of the Sabine women, supposed to have taken place when Romulus was holding his ludi.