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"Poh?" exclaimed Basset, affecting a courage he was far from feeling, "you're skeary, Prime. So, in your judgment, it's safer to go by night, is it?" "My 'pinion is made up on all de pints," said Primus, resolutely, and bringing all his batteries to bear. "Dis case hab two hinge, de fust is de 'spectability, and de second de safety.

"DAT'S a name of 'spectability," said Rosa, with a satisfied air. "'Tis my 'pinion chillen should allus have 'spectable names, else they're 'posed on in dis yer world. Nudd's Tidy, now, dere's a spec'men for yer. Never was no more 'complished 'fectioner dan she. She knowed how to cook all de earth, she did.

"Your what?" exclaimed the constable, utterly at a loss to imagine the meaning of the other. "My 'spectability," repeated Primus, gravely. "You see, when I was a young man I sociate wid da best company in de country. Ah," sighed Primus, "dey made more 'count ob colored pussons den, dan dey does now."

No, Missa Basset, if you want to go in de day time, you can go. Dere is nobody will hender you. But dis child you will please 'scuse. Beside, dere is a good reason I say noting about 'cause I don't want to hurt you feelings." "What's that?" said Basset. "Don't be afeared, spit it out." "Well, seeing as how you is so pressing you see I tink someting ob my 'spectability."

Now, sir, mind your eye, and see that you maintain the spectability of the family". Saying this, Felix drew himself up, adjusted his neckerchief, and strutted somewhat pompously into the yard of the Judge, whence he soon found his way into the kitchen. The invitations to the Bernards were in due form delivered, as were the others, and accepted. Lorenzo. Go in, Sirrah; bid them prepare for dinner.

Yours is a 'spectable calling. To save your 'spectability, it's worth your while to pawn every article of clothes you've got, sell every stick in your house, and beg and borrow every penny you can get trusted with. When you've done that and handed over, I'll leave you. Not afore. 'How do you mean, you'll leave me? 'I mean as I'll keep you company, wherever you go, when you go away from here.