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"And so you are from New Hampshire, Mr. Walden?" she said inquiringly. "Yes, and this is my first visit to Boston." "I dare say you find things somewhat different here from what they are there." "Oh yes. In Rumford the houses are scattered; but here they are as thick as spatter. There isn't near so many things going on there as here."

"'She had twins, How ill-natured! as I hope to be saved, ma'am, she had but one; and that a little starved brat not worth mentioning." The following is the opening scene of his first sketch, from which it will be perceived that the original plot was wholly different from what it is at present, Sir Peter and Lady Teazle being at that time not in existence. "LADY SNEERWELL and SPATTER.

Montoya's kindliness at parting and his gift had touched Pete deeply, but he had fought his emotion then, too proud to show it. Now he felt a hot something spatter on his hand. His mouth quivered. "Doggone the dog!" he exclaimed. "Doggone the whole doggone outfit!" And to cheat his emotion he began to sing, in a ludicrous, choked way, that sprightly and inimitable range ballad;

Yet, on this morning of the day before Christmas, were these Shining Ones, moving to and fro with the crowd, whose faces were loving and serene as the invisible stars, whose robes took no defilement from the spatter and the rush of earth, whose coming and going was still as the falling snow-flakes.

A spatter of bullets threw up the dirt around them. Dick felt a red-hot flame sting his leg, but, though he had been hit, to his surprise he was not checked. Topping the brow of a little rise, he caught sight of the cabin, and, to his consternation, saw that smoke was pouring from the door and that within it was alight with flames. "The beggars have set fire to it," he cried aloud.

It seemed more terrible now that he was with his friends than when he was outside and alone. He kept on saying to himself that there were plenty more who would be spending the night out of doors. He strove to distract his mind by talking, but in the middle of his words a spatter of rain against the window would make him start. "It's like March weather," said Athelny.

During the space of just a moment or two the Indians were silent. Now, before he had reached his goal, a musket whanged, from the thicket a second followed the firing swelled to a volley, while the stockade answered. Was he down? No, not yet. He had seized Burr, and hoisting him in his two arms was coming at a plunging run through the spatter of bullets and the drift of powder-smoke.

Abruptly it came the strike, so venomous that it stung my face and scalded my eyes with the spatter of sandstone and hot lead; at the moment her Colt's bellowed into my ears, thunderous because even unexpected. I could not see; I only heard an utterance that was cheer and sob in one. "I got him! Are you hurt? Are you hurt?" "No. Hurrah!" "Hurrah, dear."

There was no room for him inside, and certainly no wish for his company, and so he must, perforce, balance himself under his umbrella, first on one leg and then on the other, in his effort to escape the spatter which now reached his knees, quite as would a wet chicken seeking shelter under a cart-body. I say my companion and I "talked" of these several sights and incidents as I ate my luncheon.

"Back in the bush!" whispered the barkeeper. "Now's your time!" But Ruth stirred not. "Go you back," he said in a low voice, "find Rand, and take him away. I will fill his place here." He drew his revolver, and stepped into the road. A shout, a report, and the spatter of red dust from a bullet near his feet, told him he was recognized.