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The fog and rain of the British Isles are still proverbial. Dierum spatia, etc. Cf. Caes. 513. Quod si==and if. From the tendency to connect sentences by relatives arose the use of quod before certain conjunctions, particularly si, merely as a copulative. Cf. Z. 807. also Freund sub v. The fact alleged in this sentence is as false as the philosophy by which it is explained in the next, cf.

XXXVII. Eundem Germaniae sinum proximi Oceano Cimbri tenent, parva nunc civitas, sed gloria ingens; veterisque famae lata vestigia manent, utraque ripa castra ac spatia, quorum ambitu nunc quoque metiaris molem manusque gentis et tam magni exitus fidem. Sexcentesimum et quadragesimum annum urbs nostra agebat, cum primum Cimbrorum audita sunt arma, Caecilio Metello et Papirio Carbone consulibus.

The ancient name of the Welsh was also Cymri, cf. Tur. His. Ang. Sax. 1. 2. Gloria is abl. limiting ingens. Castra ac spatia. In apposition with lata vestigia==spatiosa castra or castrorum spatia, H. 704, II. 2; Z. 741. Utraque ripa, sc. of the Rhine, the river and river bank by eminence. Molem manusque. The mass of their population, and the number of their armies.

Others, with less propriety, refer it to the gulfs and bays, which so mark the Baltic and the German Oceans. Insularum spatia. Islands of vast extent, viz. Funen, Zealand, &c. Plin. Nat. Nuper regibus. Understand with this clause ut compertum est.

"Et Croesum quem vox justi facunda Solonis Respicere ad longae jussit spatia ultima vitae." Juv., Sat. x., s. 273. The story of the interview and conversation between Croesus and Solon is supported by so many concurrent authorities, that we cannot but feel grateful to the modern learning, which has removed the only objection to it in an apparent contradiction of dates.

Agri pro numero cultorum ab universis in vices occupantur, quos mox inter se secundum dignationem partiuntur: facilitatem partiendi camporum spatia praestant. Arva per annos mutant: et superest ager; nec enim cum ubertate et amplitudine soli labore contendunt, ut pomaria conserant et prata separent et hortos rigent: sola terrae seges imperatur.