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Sparsit's talent for in fact for anything requiring accuracy with a combination of strength of mind and Family is too habitually developed to admit of any question. He was almost falling asleep over this compliment; it took him so long to get through, and his mind wandered so much in the course of its execution. 'You found Miss Gradgrind I really cannot call her Mrs.

Bounderby the Banker does live. Which I accordingly venture, with all suitable apologies, to do. The inattention and indolence of his manner were sufficiently relieved, to Mrs. Sparsit's thinking, by a certain gallantry at ease, which offered her homage too.

Sparsit's tea was just set for her on a pert little table, with its tripod of legs in an attitude, which she insinuated after office-hours, into the company of the stern, leathern-topped, long board-table that bestrode the middle of the room. The light porter placed the tea-tray on it, knuckling his forehead as a form of homage. 'Thank you, Bitzer, said Mrs. Sparsit.

Sparsit was not a poetical woman; but she took an idea in the nature of an allegorical fancy, into her head. Much watching of Louisa, and much consequent observation of her impenetrable demeanour, which keenly whetted and sharpened Mrs. Sparsit's edge, must have given her as it were a lift, in the way of inspiration.

I only know that these people must be conquered, and that it's high time it was done, once for all. 'Yes, ma'am, returned Bitzer, with a demonstration of great respect for Mrs. Sparsit's oracular authority. 'You couldn't put it clearer, I am sure, ma'am. As this was his usual hour for having a little confidential chat with Mrs.

About an average day. He now and then slided into my lady, instead of ma'am, as an involuntary acknowledgment of Mrs. Sparsit's personal dignity and claims to reverence. 'The clerks, said Mrs. Sparsit, carefully brushing an imperceptible crumb of bread and butter from her left-hand mitten, 'are trustworthy, punctual, and industrious, of course? 'Yes, ma'am, pretty fair, ma'am.

I think he married Gradgrind's daughter? 'Yes, said Mrs. Sparsit, suddenly compressing her mouth, 'he had that honour. 'The lady is quite a philosopher, I am told? 'Indeed, sir, said Mrs. Sparsit. 'Is she? 'Excuse my impertinent curiosity, pursued the stranger, fluttering over Mrs. Sparsit's eyebrows, with a propitiatory air, 'but you know the family, and know the world.

I wish these fellows had tried to rob me when I was at his time of life. They would have been out of pocket if they had invested eighteenpence in the job; I can tell 'em that. 'Is anybody suspected? 'Suspected? I should think there was somebody suspected. Egod! said Bounderby, relinquishing Mrs. Sparsit's arm to wipe his heated head.

'If you please, ma'am, the gentleman would wish to see you, said Bitzer, with his light eye at Mrs. Sparsit's keyhole. So, Mrs. Sparsit, who had improved the interval by touching up her cap, took her classical features down-stairs again, and entered the board- room in the manner of a Roman matron going outside the city walls to treat with an invading general.

He's with old Bounderby. They are having a regular confab together up at the Bank. Why at the Bank, do you think? Well, I'll tell you again. To keep Mrs. Sparsit's ears as far off as possible, I expect. With her hand upon her brother's shoulder, Louisa still stood looking at the fire.