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The name of each of his associates in the Committee of Ten followed. After them came a score of names, all of them known to be supporters of the anarchist cause. "What is the business, Peter?" demanded William Spantz. "Does it mean we are to begin so soon the establishing of the new order " began Anna Cromer, her face aglow. Peter smiled wanly. "Do not ask me," he said, emphasising the pronoun.

The gag was removed from his stiff, inflamed mouth. "Fetch him some water," said a voice that he was sure he recognised a high, querulous voice. "Hello, Spantz," articulated Truxton, turning to the black-bearded, bent figure. There was an instance of silence. Then Spantz spoke, with a soft laugh: "You will not know so much to-morrow, Herr King. Give him the water, man.

For instance, two of the women came through friendly but unknown doors in the basements of adjoining houses, reaching the workshop by the narrow stairs leading up from a cobwebby wine-cellar next door. Spantz and Olga Platanova, of course, were at home in the place.

"By gad, they think I am a detective!" he added, light coming to him with a rush. "What's that?" snapped the other. Truxton could almost feel the other's body grow tense despite the space between them. "Are you a detective? Are you? By God, if you are, I'll finish you up right here. You " "No! They're on the wrong scent. By Jove, the laugh's on old man Spantz." "Oho!

"I have modern blades of my own make, sir, much cheaper and quite as good," ventured the excellent Mr. Spantz. "You make 'em?" in surprise. The old man straightened his bent figure with sudden pride. "I am armourer to the crown, sir. My blades are used by the nobility not by the army, I am happy to say. Spantz repairs the swords and guns for the army, but he welds only for the gentlemen at court."

"Son of our distinguished host here. Permit me to present Herr William " "Enough," snarled William Spantz, with a threatening movement toward King. His manner changed completely, however, when he turned to address the young lady. "I beg to inform you, madam, that your stay in this unwholesome place is to be brief. Pray endure it for the remainder of this day.

"Well," doggedly, "you know what men of his type think of shopgirls. They consider them legitimate prey." "And what, pray, do men of your type think of us?" she asked quietly. "Enough of this," interposed William Spantz. "Now, Brutus, what does Count Marlanx say to this day two weeks? Will he be ready?

Like a shot the warning of Olga Platanova flashed into his brain. Here, then, was the proof that she actually knew of the peril he was in. But why should he be an object of concern to these men, whoever they were? His guard had mentioned "the old man." Good heavens, could he mean Spantz? The cold perspiration was standing on King's brow. Spantz! He recalled the wickedness in the armourer's face.

She will make an example of you to-day that all creatures of your kind, the world over, will not be likely to forget in a century to come. There is no room in Graustark for anarchy. I shall wipe it out to-day." "Sir, your promise!" gasped William Spantz. "We are your friends the true Party of " "Enough! Do not speak again!

"Well," concluded William Spantz, "we are safe if we take no chances with him. He must be watched all the time. If we discover that he is what some of us think he is, there is a way to end his usefulness." "Let him keep away from the shop downstairs," said Peter Brutus, with a sidelong glance at the delicate profile of the girl down the table.