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"I thought you were setting things up back at Atom City." "You fumble-fisted, space-gassing jerk!" snarled Charley Brett. "Depend on you to get things messed up! That Barnard guy is all set to roll with his reactor!" "Then why didn't Ross take care of him on the Moon?" asked Miles. "He didn't land," replied Brett. "He kept going and made the whole trip without refueling that new unit of his.

What about that space-gassing hot-shot?" " Manning just tore through the rec hall trying to get some of the other Earthworm units to bet their galley demerits against your outfit." Tom's mouth sagged open. "You mean, he actually wanted to bet that Astro would pass?" "Not just pass, Corbett, but he wanted to bet that your unit would be top rocket of the Earthworms! The head of the list!"

"It's been tested before." "Still room for improvement, though," commented Alfie. "I'll improve your head," barked Astro, "if you don't close that big mouth! How do you like that, Tom? We get rid of one space-gassing Romeo and now we get one even worse!" Astro's reference to Roger made Tom draw a quick breath.

"Let's give it the old try for dear old Space Academy!" Tom whirled around and stood face to face with Manning. "I think maybe Astro's right, Roger," he said coldly. "I think you're a foul ball, a space-gassing hot-shot that can't take it when the chips are down!" "That's right," said Roger coldly. "I'm just what you say!

Quent glared at the two boys for a moment, his black eyes cold and hard. "They make kids feel mighty important around here, don't they?" "They give us jobs to do," said Roger. "Usually we can handle them fine. Occasionally we run into a space-gassing bum and he makes things difficult, but we manage to take care of him." Quent stepped forward in a threatening manner, but Roger did not move.