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I remember, too, that I made a resolution to speak upon religion to every person with whom I conversed, on steamboats, in the streets, anywhere. In this, also, I failed, as I ought; and I soon learned that, in the sowing of such seed, as in other sowings, times, and seasons, and methods must be considered and selected, or a man may defeat his own object, and make religion loathsome."

Reversions are supposed to be rare and small groups of seedlings of course would not suffice to bring them to light. Only sowings of many hundreds or thousands of individuals are decisive. Such sowings can be made in one year, or can be extended over a series of years and of generations. Hildebrand and Hoffman have preferred the last method, and so did Hofmeister and many others.

The winter crop is raised chiefly for the purpose of obtaining seed for the spring sowings, as it is found difficult to keep potatoes from the summer crop in good condition till the following spring.

It is necessary, therefore, to secure our main crop by very early spring sowings, and it may be said here that after the second thorough pulverization of the soil in spring, the ground will be in such good condition that, if well enriched and stirred late in autumn, it will only need levelling down and smoothing off before the spring sowing.

Some of the pasture she grubbed up for spring sowings, the rest she drained by cutting a new channel from the Kent Ditch to the White Kemp Sewer. She re-roofed the barns with slate, and painted and re-tiled the dwelling-house. This last she decided to let to some family of gentlepeople, while herself keeping on the farm and the barns.

This striking type of variation includes perhaps the best examples of the whole historical evidence. As a rule they appear in large sowings, only one, or only a few at a time. Many of them have not been observed during their youth, but only after having been planted out in parks and forests, since the weeping characters show only after several years.

Add a glass of port wine, and the same quantity of vinegar. Baste it occasionally for forty hours, then stuff and roast it as hare, and with the same sauce. Do not wash off the liquor that it was soaked in. RADISHES. These are raised from seed by different sowings from the end of October till April, or the following month.

This mixture seemed to have the advantage of keeping up an average value of the larger number of the characters, which either from their nature or from their apparent unimportance had necessarily to be neglected. After ten years of continuous labor, the rye of Rimpau caught the attention of his neighbors, being manifestly better than that of ordinary sowings.

Now "Hawaii" averages 14% and "Cheribon" 19%, and it is easily understood that a "Hawaii" seedling with more than 19% can be expected only from very large sowings. Hundreds of thousands of seedlings must be cultivated, and their juice tested, before this improvement can be reached. Even then, it may have no significance for practical purposes.

The consequence was that I had no reason to make large sowings, and grew only enough young plants to have about 50 in bloom in the summer of 1894. Among these, stray peloric flowers were observed in somewhat larger number than in the previous generations, 11 plants bearing one or two, or even three such abnormalities.