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Melrose Welty, the possessor of these and other ways and features symbolical of wisdom, had no higher occupation in life than to sit in club-houses and cafes, telling of conquests won by him over women, chiefly over soubrettes and chorus girls. Of his means of livelihood, no one had certain knowledge.

I must tell you, that one of my footmen has gone to that last journey from which none return: he was a tall, presuming sort of fellow, remarkable for nothing but his impertinence, and the continual scrapes he was forever getting into amongst the soubrettes. However, he met with his death in some sudden brawl.

Photographs of soubrettes and dancers with their painted mouths smiled from the shiny cardboard, enlivening the chaste aspect of the redoubt. Don Marcelo was growing more and more impatient at seeing so many hundreds of men, but no Julio. The senator, complying with his imploring glance, spoke a few words to the chief preceding him with an aspect of great deference.

My mother laments over him already as hardly dealt with. Then Uncle Henry is a great difficulty. He is not in the least one of the light comedy fathers who, during two acts, stamps about with many strange oaths and stormy denials, but in the last yields to fate and soubrettes, says 'Bless you, my children! and hands out untold gold. There is no more appeal from his decisions than from Major A 's.

Nevertheless, as he strolled about, he watched for that occasional velvety glance that gave him pleasure, and amused himself with the types seated around him, or crossing his path heavy, swarthy Argentines, looking like Italian laborers grown rich their heavy, swarthy wives, come out to display all the jewels that could be conveniently worn at once pretty, dark-eyed girls, already with a fatal tendency to embonpoint, wearing diamonds in their ears and round their necks as an added glory to costumes fresh from the rue de la Paix grave little boys, in gloves and patent-leather boots, seated without budging by their mammas, sucking the tops of their canes in imitation of their elder brothers, who wandered about in pairs or groups, all of the latest cut, eying the ladies but rarely addressing them tall Englishmen, who looked taller than they were in contrast to the pudgy race around them, as the Germans looked lighter and the French more blond Italian opera singers, Parisian actresses Spanish dancers, music-hall soubrettes diplomats of all nations clerks out for a holiday sailors on shore tourists come to profit by a spectacle that has no equal in the southern world, and little of the kind that is more amusing in the north.

He saw that if he wrote dramas he could not hold aloof from the theatre, nor from actors and actresses heavies and juveniles, and emotionals and soubrettes. He must know them, and more intimately; and at first he must be subject to them, however he mastered them at last; he must flatter their oddities and indulge their caprices.

And seated in the one chair of the room, Magnus Derrick remained a long time, looking at his face in the cracked mirror that for so many years had reflected the painted faces of soubrettes, in this atmosphere of stale perfume and mouldy rice powder. It had come his fall, his ruin.

Miss Tabby, who, to her infinite disgust, had been receiving and passing any number of "fairies," "fisher girls," "soubrettes," "sultanas," et cætera, turned around, and in a quavering voice, inquired: "What's what?" "Why, that!" shuddered Joe, pointing to a ghastly figure that was standing quite still, a few paces from where they stood, trembling. "It's a skeleton!

She is almost worth her weight in gold, that little minx; a real treasure, so full of fun and deviltry that nobody can resist her acting; she would make any piece go off well a pearl of soubrettes is Zerbine." "Yes, she is a rare one," Blazius replied, with a deep sigh, "and I regret more and more every day our having lost her.

An indolent flabby kind of creature, she, unfit for an Autocrat; sat in her private apartments, all in a huddle of undress; had foolish notions, especially had soubrettes who led her about by the ear.