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Esther glowed with appreciation of the compliment, inwardly hoping Roger agreed with his aunt in her opinion of her. She felt his eye upon her as she stood there with her simple evening coat wrapped tightly about her, the grey of its fur collar soft against her throat, but he said nothing. A movement behind her made her turn towards the drawing-room door. "Vous sortez?"

Look at Here the clock strikes three, and the three gendarmes who keep the Musee cry out, "Allons! Sortons! Il est trois heures! Allez! Sortez!" and they skip out of the gallery as happy as boys running from school.

Come; I have a fine menagerie of twenty here in the carre: let me place you amongst my collection." "But first suffer me to have one dance with one pupil of my choice." "Have you the face to ask such a thing? It is madness: it is impiety. Sortez, sortez, au plus vite." She drove him before her, and soon had him enclosed within the cordon.

But, as a rule, Racine's characters speak out most clearly when they are most moved, so that their words, at the height of passion, have an intensity of directness unknown in actual life. In such moments, the phrases that leap to their lips quiver and glow with the compressed significance of character and situation; the 'Qui te l'a dit? of Hermione, the 'Sortez' of Roxane, the 'Je vais

"Sortez, sortez, vous dis-je..." Valentina Mihailovna repeated, stamping her pretty little foot. Mariana took a few steps towards the door. "I will rid you of my presence directly, only do you know what, Valentina Mihailovna? They say that in Racine's 'Bajazet' even Rachel's sortez! was not effective, and you don't come anywhere near her!

"Sortez! sortez! sortez par la porte!" I do not know how it happened, but next moment we were out in the rain and darkness, and I was cursing before the carriage entry like a disappointed mendicant. Where were the boating men of Belgium? where the Judge and his good wines? and where the graces of Origny?

Votre travail dans ma maison a toujours ete admirable, rempli de zele et de discretion: vous avez bien le droit de vous amuser. Sortez donc tant que vous voudrez. Quant a votre choix de connaissances, j'en suis contente; c'est sage, digne, laudable." She closed her lips and resumed the Gazette.

Sortez, sortez," she shouted to the young man, until I leant over in her direction and whispered in her ear that no shouting was allowed, nor even loud speaking, since to do so disturbed the calculations of the players, and might lead to our being ejected. "How provoking!" she retorted. "Then the young man is done for! I suppose he WISHES to be ruined.

'Sortez! sortez! sortez par la porte! I do not know how it happened, but next moment we were out in the rain and darkness, and I was cursing before the carriage entry like a disappointed mendicant. Where were the boating men of Belgium? where the Judge and his good wines? and where the graces of Origny?

"C'est tout bien pour vous, parce que vous etes toujours ici; mais moi, je suis chez moi, et si elles sortez quand je ne suis pas ici, je serais mad!" "J'expect qu'elles sorteraient quand nous sommes tous loin. C'est toujours le fashion!" sighed Chrissie, acutely conscious that her French was superior to that of her friend, but politely ignoring the fact. "Moi aussi," assented Kitty.