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"I'm sorrier than I can tell that you are having this trouble. This house in Montrose Place, Miss Day, has been your own property since you were eighteen years of age. It was formerly the property of your mother " he consulted the papers, "Octavia Trenton Day. This Mr.

Peter paused at the door and said, in a low, embarrassed voice, "Would you mind telling Lord Evelyn what I told him myself last night that I'm horribly sorry about it sorrier than I have ever been for anything.... It won't make any difference to him, I know but if you will just tell him.... And I'm sorry it happened while you were here, too. You've been dragged in.... Good-bye."

These things she had taught Helen, and her little girl had been a ready pupil. Mrs. Culver was justly proud of her. Rosanna was just a bit afraid. And the fear caused her to go in a line that was not perfectly straightforward. She was sorry enough for it afterward sorrier than she thought she could ever be. But that did not mend things in the least.

The good father hugged her yet closer to his side and said: "Oh, out of the mouths of babes and sucklings the heedless and unthinking are condemned; would God I could bring the little creatures back, for your sake. And mine, yes, and mine; for I have been unjust. There, there, don't cry nobody could be sorrier than your poor old friend don't cry, dear." "But I can't stop right away, I've got to.

"There isn't an impression I'd be sorrier to give you," he said earnestly. "Perhaps the trouble is that you don't as yet know much about the life I've got out of." "I've lived in Endbury all my life," protested Lydia. "There may still be something for you to learn about the lives of its men," suggested her companion. "If you think it's so wrong, why don't you reform it?"

You can tell him I say it's a judgment that's fallen on him to-day, and that it's not the last one, and that he'll be sorrier yet that he didn't stay where he was, with his nigger-lovin' notions, instead of comin' back down here to make trouble for people that have grown up with the State and made it what it is." Caxton, of course, did not deliver the message.

"I suppose you're right," he said. "A good officer never sends a man where he wouldn't go himself. I'm rather sorry I started now." The dominant thought in all the complex machinery of Rosalie's mind was: "And you'll be sorrier before this night's over, boy." But her voice said: "I knew you'd see it that way.

How or where the substitution had been made, I could only guess; but one thing was certain: the two weeks which had elapsed before the theft was discovered had given him ample opportunity to dispose of his plunder. I felt sorry for the Grand Duke; sorrier still for that admirable M. Pigot; but, after all, one could not but admire the cleverness of the man who had despoiled them.

The man's love is awake, and he will be sorrier and sorrier for what he did!

"My lady, I am sorrier than you think; but which is worse that you should hear such a thing spoken of, or make a friend of the man who did it and that is Lord Liftore?" Florimel turned away, and gave her seeming attention to the moonlit waters, sweeping past the swift sailing cutter. Malcolm's heart ached for her: he thought she was deeply troubled. But she was not half so shocked as he imagined.