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Among the gentry there was one great roistering blade, a fighting bully, Jacek Soplica, who was called in jest the Wojewoda; in truth he was of great influence in the wojewodeship, for he had absolute authority over the whole family of the Soplicas and controlled their three hundred votes according to his will, although he himself possessed nothing except a little plot of ground, a sabre, and great mustaches that stretched from ear to ear.

His name was Soplica; all the Soplicas, as is well known, are large, strong, powerful men, apt at the soldier’s trade, but less diligent over their books. Thaddeus had not degenerated from his forebears; he rode well on horseback and walked well; he was not dull, but he had made little progress in his studies, though his uncle had spared nothing on his education.

If I perish, you alone will sigh for my soul; in case of war, the whole secret is known to youfinish what I have begun, and remember that you are a Soplica.” Here the Monk wiped away his tears, buttoned his gown, drew on his cowl, and quietly opened the shutters of the rear window; evidently he jumped through the window into the garden.

Soplica,” he said, “ancestral enemy of my family, to-day I punish thee for ancient and for fresh offences; to-day thou wilt render me an account for the seizure of my fortune before I avenge me for the insult to my honour!” But the Judge crossed himself and cried:— “In the name of the Father and of the Son! foh! My Lord the Count, are you a robber?

Salutary counsels of Bartek, called the PrussianMartial argument of Maciek the SprinklerPolitical argument of Pan BuchmannJankiel advises harmony, which is cut off abruptly by the penknifeSpeech of Gerwazy, which makes apparent the great potency of parliamentary eloquenceProtest of old MaciekThe sudden arrival of reinforcements interrupts the consultationDown with the Soplica!

All this, to be sure, was from pride, in order not to debase the name of the Soplicas, in order not to lower myself before a magnate by a vain request and receive a refusalfor what gossip there would have been among the gentry, if they had known that I, Jacek—— “The Horeszkos refuse a wench to a Soplica! They serve me, Jacek, with black soup!

All the neighbourhood remembers the crime committed here by the deceased Pan Jacek Soplica; but, since you all know of his sins, it is time to proclaim his merits, also, before the world. Here are present the generals of our armies, from whom I have heard all that I tell you.

He was the first to bring to an end the quarrels between the two taverns, which had often led even to bloodshed, by leasing them both. He was equally respected by the old partisans of the Horeszkos and by the servants of Judge Soplica.

He came to the castle more and more frequently, even when uninvited, and finally settled down among us as if in his own home, and it seemed that he was on the point of declaring himself; but they remarked this, and served him at the table with black soup.39 It may very well be that the Pantler’s daughter had taken a fancy to the Soplica, but that she kept it a deep secret from her parents.

Brother, while Ponary stands, while the Niemen flows, so long will the name of the Soplicas be famous in Lithuania; to their grandsons and great-grandsons the capital of the Jagiellos109 will point, saying, ‘There is a Soplica, one of those Soplicas who first started the revolt.’ ” “People’s talk is of small account,” answered the Judge. “I have never greatly cared for the praises of the world.