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Two other prams were also plundered, and the crew of one of them murdered to a man. They are said to be Sooloo pirates, but have Bugis among them. On their way here they have devastated one of the small islands east of Ceram.

They next touched at Cagayan Sooloo, where from some of the natives they heard of the large island of Borneo existing to the west. The inhabitants appeared to possess much gold, and they used poisoned arrows, which they darted by the force of their breath through hollow reeds. At their sides they wore daggers ornamented with precious stones.

"I once more give fair and timely notice, in order to prevent disappointment, that I am merely relating a sober narrative of facts, and not improvising one of Max's florid romances about Sooloo pirates, Spanish bandits, Italian bravos, or the robbers of the Hartz mountains."

Borneo, Celebes, Sooloo, the Moluccas, and the islands of the Straits of Sunda and Banka, compose what is called the Malayan group; and the Malays located on the sea-shores of these and other islands may with certainty be classed as belonging to one people.

Having completed the survey of this port, we made sail for Balam-bangan. On our route we stopped at Cagayan Sooloo, where we fell in with two piratical prahus. For reasons, not explained, these vessels were not interfered with, although there was not the least doubt of their occupation. March 9.

The attempt did not, however, stop here. In addition to fruit, the boats at Sooloo brought off rice cakes, which were eagerly bought by the seamen.

Our great risk was that of getting on a shoal; but, thanks to Kalong's pilotage, we avoided all dangers in our way, and at last dropped anchor opposite a spot where a village had once stood. Fairburn and I recognised it as the one attacked by the Sooloo pirates. Tears started to the eyes of the poor people as they witnessed the desolation which had been wrought among their late habitations.

At noon on the 16th of April we made the town of Sooloo, the capital of the island of the same name. It being calm, and the ship at some distance from the anchorage, the gig was sent ahead to board one of the three schooners lying in the bay, and hoist a light, as a guide to the ship; and a rocket was put into the boat to fire in case of being attacked by superior numbers.

The Borneo Malay women are as plain as the men, although at Sincapore, Mauritius, and the Sooloos, they are well favoured; and they wind their serang, or robe, so tight round their bodies, that they walk in a very constrained and ungainly fashion. Many of these tribes are intermixed with the natives of the Celebes, such as the inhabitants of Sooloo.

The Rajahs of Zebut and Mazagua pay tribute Magalhaens attacks the Rajah of Matan Sad death of the Admiral Treachery of the Rajah of Zebut Massacre of Spanish officers Don Juan Serrano cowardly deserted Ships sail away Reach Bohol The Conception burnt Touch at Mindanao and Cagayan Sooloo Hear of Borneo Sufferings from hunger Friendly reception at Puluan Provisions obtained Arrak first met with Cross to Borneo, and anchor off a large city The Rajah treats the Spaniards handsomely Wealth of the Rajah Customs of the people Carvalho deposed, and Espinosa chosen Captain, with Sebastian del Cano under him Reach Cimbuhon Ships careened Curious birds and insects The Moluccas reached Anchor at Tidor Spices obtained The Trinidad abandoned The Vittoria alone leaves the Moluccas Portuguese vessels robbed The Cape of Good Hope rounded Dreadful sufferings from hunger Many die Put into harbour of Santiago in the Cape de Verdes Portuguese discover where they have been Attempt to capture the ship Del Cano, now Captain, escapes The Vittoria arrives in the harbour of Saint Lucar, 6th of September, 1522 Del Cano rewarded with patent of nobility The Vittoria afterwards lost The name of Magalhaens or Magellan justly given to the Straits he discovered.