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"This animal," says Sonnini, "was my principal amusement for several years. How was the expression of attachment depicted upon her countenance! How many times have her caresses made me forget my troubles, and consoled me in my misfortunes! My beautiful and interesting companion, however, at length perished.

Voyage aux Indes Orientales, 1802-6, revu et augmenté de notes. Par Sonnini. 2 Vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810. The notes by Sonnini sufficiently point out the nature and character of this work. Voyage dans la Peninsule Occidentale de l'Inde, et dans l'Isle de Ceylon. 2 Vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811.

Voyage Littéraire de la Grèce, ou Lettres sur les Grecs Anciens et Modernes, avec un parallèle de leurs Moeurs. Par M. Guys. Paris, 1783. 4 vols. 8vo. The peculiar nature of these two works is sufficiently indicated by their respective title: they are both interesting. Voyage en Grèce et en Turquie. Par Sonnini. Paris, 1801. 4to.

If he became an authority on Herodotus, Pliny, Ptolemy, Strabo, and Pomponious Mela, he became equally an authority on Bruce, Sonnini, Lacerda, the Pombeiros, Monteiro and Gamitto. From Ptolemy downwards writers and travellers had prayed for the unveiling of Isis, that is to say, the discovery of the sources of the Nile; but for two thousand years every effort had proved fruitless.

Cheaper materials were used by the poorer Hebrews, especially of the Bedouin tribes burnt almonds, lamp-black, soot, the ashes of particular woods, the gall-apple boiled and pulverized, or any dark powder made into an unguent by suitable liquors. The modern Grecian women, in some districts, as Sonnini tells us, use the spine of the sea-polypus, calcined and finely pulverized, for this purpose.

Nevertheless, the learning and judgment which this author displays in drawing from scarce and little known Arabic authors, curious notices respecting ancient and modern Egypt, give to the work an intrinsic and real value, which is not affected by the observations we have made. Voyage dans la Haute et Basse Egypte. Par Sonnini. Paris, 1799. 3 vols. 8vo.

Several capital works of the historic kind have made their appearance in France within the last ten years; but, with the exception of those of celebrated voyagers or travellers, such as LA PEROUSE, BAUDIN, SONNINI, LABILLARDIERE, OLIVIER, ANDRE MICHAUD, &c. those whose object has been to treat of the arts, sciences, and manners of Greece, such as the travels of Anacharsis, of Pythagoras, or of Antenor; those whose subject has not been confined to France, such as the Precis de l'histoire generale, by ANQUETIL; people ought to be on their guard against the merit even of productions written mediately or immediately on the revolution, its causes, and consequences.

The white-lipped peccaries are found in all the forests of South America from the Caribbean Sea to the Pampas of Buenos Ayres. They are abundant in Paraguay; and Sonnini, the traveller, has observed them in Guyana. Others report their presence on the Orinoco and its tributaries as also on all the waters of the Amazon.

Sonnini says that the women of Egypt had a natural excrescence, fleshy in consistency, quite thick and pendulous, coming from the skin of the mons veneris. Sonnini says that in a girl of eight he saw one of these caruncles which was 1/2 inch long, and another on a woman of twenty which was four inches long, and remarks that they seem peculiar only to women of distinct Egyptian origin.

The author, who was commissioner of the lines of the Spanish frontier in Paraguay, gives in this work much information on the climate, soil, &c. of countries little known; and the value of it is enhanced by the notes of Cuvier and Sonnini on natural history. Relation de la Voyage dans les Provinces de la Plata. 8vo. Paris, 1819. Historia de Abifponibus. Autore Dobutzhoffen. Vienna, 1784. 8vo.