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"Why, it's the whole ship's company!" cried Vanslyperken. "All but de Corporal Van Spitter, and de six marines," replied the corporal, raising his hand up to his head a la militaire. "Shut the door, corporal. This is indeed mutiny and defiance," cried Vanslyperken, jumping up from his chair. "It is von tyfel of a song," replied the corporal.

So, she leaning on her husband's arm, they turned homeward by a rosy path which the gracious sun struck out for them in its setting. And O there are days in this life, worth life and worth death. And O what a bright old song it is, that O 'tis love, 'tis love, 'tis love that makes the world go round!

He always greeted me with a low, sweet chatter, with wings quivering, and if he were out of the cage he would come on the back of my chair and touch my cheek or lips very gently with his beak, or offer me a bit of food if he had any; and to me alone, when no one else was near, he sang a low, exquisite song.

And who, when listening to the echoes of the chambers of the restless sea when deep calleth unto deep, does not hear amid them some weird and haunting refrain like Leland's sea song?

Impulse had brought him thus far, but now he stood staring helplessly at a row of bells, speaking tubes, and cards. Which, for example, belonged to the lady whose soprano voice pervaded the neighbourhood? He looked up and down the street, in the vain hope of finding a messenger. The song continued: he had promised to stop it. Hodder accused himself of cowardice.

You are to be a soldier, my father says, and he laughs as if it were something droll." "It is not droll at all," said Gilian stammering, very much put out. "There are three old soldiers in our house and " "One of them Captain Mars, Captain Mars, Who never saw scars!" said the girl mischievously, familiar with the town's song. "I hope you do not think of being a soldier like Mars.

In walked Simon Agricola and gave him good-day. He put his fingers into his purse, and brought out all the money he had in the world; it was one golden angel. "Look, friend," said he to the blacksmith; "if you will let me have your forge for one hour, I will give you this money for the use of it." The blacksmith liked the tune of that song very well.

At last a figure passed across a distant glade and at the sight Kai Lung lifted up a restrained voice in song: "At the foot of a bleak and inhospitable mountain An insignificant stream winds its uncared way; Although inferior to the Yangtze-kiang in every detail Yet fish glide to and fro among its crannies Nor would they change their home for the depths of the widest river.

Above all, rises to our ears from below the sound of Madame Prune's long prayers, ascending through the floor, monotonous as the song of a somnambulist, regular and soothing as the plash of a fountain.

But the wood burst forth into so great a splendour that no one could hope to describe it: there were flowers at her feet and sunshine in her green tree-tops; the song of the birds echoed in even the smallest bush; and perfume and bright colours and gaiety reigned here and there and everywhere.