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I s'pose 'ee might ha' knowed somethun better, Sir; but I was n' larned, an' I ran so fast as ever I could up the way I thowt home was, an' I groaned, an' groaned, an' shook my handès, an' then I thowt, 'Mubbe I may be goun wrong way. So I groaned to the Lard to stop the snow. Then I on'y ran this way an' that way, an' groaned for snow to knock off.

I knowed we was driftun mubbe a twenty leagues a day, and anyways I wanted to be doun what I could, keepun up over th' Ice so well as I could, Noofundland-ways, an' I might come to somethun, to a schooner or somethun; anyways I'd get up so near as I could. So I looked for a lee.

Then I started tull go out un the stream an' drop anchor under me own steam, of course. "We hod tull go out stern first, an' somethun' went wrong wuth the reversun' gear. Old MacPherson said he could work ut by hond, but very slow ot thot. An' I said 'All right. We started. The pilot was on board.

Somethun' went wrong wuth hum suddent-like. He jumped tull hus feet an' fetched the puck-handle down on the monster eediot's head. An' he hut ut again an' again like ut was a mod dog an' hum afeard o' ut. An' he went straight tull the stable an' hung humsel' tull a rafter.

But he was becoming impatient, evidently. "The way he goes on," Maria told Trina, "is somethun dreadful. He's gettun regularly sick with it got a fever every night don't sleep, and when he does, talks to himself. Says 'More'n a hundred pieces, an' every one of 'em gold. More'n a hundred pieces, an' every one of 'em gold. Then he'll whale me with his whip, and shout, 'You know where it is.

Ten minutes after his renunciation of Trina Sieppe, Marcus astounded McTeague with a tremendous feat. "Looka here, Mac. I know somethun you can't do. I'll bet you two bits I'll stump you." They each put a quarter on the table. "Now watch me," cried Marcus.

An' there was a cry goed up, like the cry of a babby, 't was, an' I thowt mubbe 't was a somethun had got upon one o' they islands; but I said, agen, 'How could it? an' one John Harris said 'e thowt 't was a bird. The young wife was very restless at this point, and, though she did not look up, I saw her tears.

"Ah, get up and say somethun, anyhow," persisted Marcus; "you ought to do it. It's the proper caper." McTeague heaved himself up; there was a burst of applause; he looked slowly about him, then suddenly sat down again, shaking his head hopelessly. "Oh, go on, Mac," cried Trina. "Get up, say somethun, anyhow," cried Marcus, tugging at his arm; "you GOT to." Once more McTeague rose to his feet.

He has der genius for machines, always making somethun mit wheels und sbrings." "Ah, if if I had children," murmured the little old maid a trifle wistfully, "one would have been a sailor; he would have begun as a midshipman on my brother's ship; in time he would have been an officer. The other would have been a landscape gardener."

Some o' the men, when they was runnun for dear life, must ha' struck 'em, out o' madness like, an' laved 'em to die where they was. 'T was the whelp was n' quite dead. 'Ee'll think 't was foolish, Sir, but it seemed as though they was somethun to me, an' I'd a-lost the last friendly thing there was.