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There were only a few in the water that day," Jerry continued. "Finally, I thought I would go up to a large pavilion at the head of the pier for an ice. I sat in the pavilion eating a pineapple ice as peacefully as you please. All of a sudden I realized someone had stopped beside my chair; two someones by the way.

"Ach, Gott, der brendt," Hooven clasped his head, "ach, der brendt, dot maks me laugh some laughs. Dot's goot der brendt doand I see um shoor der boole mit der bleck star bei der vore-head in der middle oaf. Any someones you esk tell you dot is mein boole. You esk any someones. Der brendt? To hell mit der brendt. You aindt got some memorie aboudt does ting I guess nodt."

The rooks cawed in the glen, there was a hot hum of bees, and a company of starlings passed overhead, glittering in the sunlight like the scales of a herring. "They're taiching us a lesson," said Cæsar. "They're going together over the sea; but there's someones on earth would sooner go to heaven itself solitary, and take joy if they found themselves all alone and the cock of the walk there."

"This will do!" she decided; "Nobody's coming to dine; I shall be all alone " The thought struck her as quaint and strange. Nobody coming to dinner! How very odd! At Aunt Emily's there was always someone, or several someones, to dinner. To-night she would dine all alone. Well! It would be a novel experience!

A brief silence had fallen upon the little group at one end of the veranda, broken only by Nora's and Hippy's argumentative voices. "Because both the someones are too busy to sing," laughed Jessica, casting a significant glance toward the end of the veranda. "Hippy, Nora," called David, "come over here and sing." "'Sing, sing, what shall I sing?" chanted Hippy.

"You are very kind," I answered; "though I don't see what you can do." "I may take it you have no particular regard for the lady?" he asked. "Indeed, you may!" "So you would have no objection to someone making a try at her?" "None whatever, I assure you. As many someones and as many tries as you wish and may they all win." "Now, you're a trifle too generous," said he.