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Think of the people who are scrambling for fame and titles and decorations and invitations to court! They'll all be in their six feet by two feet some-day.

Then he addressed Dorn. "Kurt, it's up to you now," he said. "As my superintendent an' some-day partner, what you'll say goes with me.... I don't know what bein' square would mean in relation to this man." Anderson sat down heavily in his desk chair and his face became obscured in cigar smoke. "Neuman, do you recognize me?" asked Dorn, with his flashing eyes on the rancher. "No," replied Neuman.

I do not remember him." He began to resign himself to fate and this Juggernaut of a man who rolled other people's feelings flat with no more compunction than a traction engine. "Fathers are useful. You may want to remember, some-day." "I'm quite satisfied at present." "I'm not suggesting you have anything to complain of. Aymer doesn't do things by halves.

That Harley's suave friendliness would bear watching he did not doubt for a moment, but, once inside, so his vital youth told him proudly, he would see to it that the billionaire did not betray him. A week ago he could have asked nothing better than this chance to bloat himself into a some-day colossus. But now the thing stuck in his gorge. He understood the implied obligation.

You might lend me a hundred dollars, dear. Perhaps some-day I'll repay it." He laid the money in her hand and retained the hand in his; thus they sat gazing into the blue flames of the driftwood fire she hopelessly, he with masculine helplessness. Neither spoke, for each was busy with personal problems. The arrival of Mr. Carew interrupted their sad thoughts.

To Steve and Fat Joe, to the men of his gang, his confidence was that of the old, old Steve who, ten years before, had cocked his head at one of Allison's switch engines and promised gravely, "I'll hev to be gittin' one of them for myself, some-day." But his heart ached.

About the yard gate there was a great press of hale farmers, gilt and ruddy from the sunset they faced, and vomiting jests at each other out of their great bearded mouths; and in the yard sheep with golden fleece and cattle as bright as dragons ran hither and thither before the sticks of boys who looked like demons with the orange glow on their faces, and who cursed and spat to show they would some-day be men.

He was speculating what he did in return for the golden sovereigns that seemed so plentiful with him. "We try to give fair exchange," explained Cæsar, answering his thoughts. "The money comes to us out of the big world. And my father gives the world good service in return. You will know how good, some-day." "Does everybody do things?" sighed his listener, much perplexed. "Everyone should.