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They didn't tell their house-master that, of course?" "They took up Mr. King on appeal just as soon as he spoke about their 'abits. Put in the appeal at once, sir, an' asked to be sent to the dormitory waitin' for you. I've since gathered, sir, in their humorous way, sir, that some'ow or other they've 'eard about every word Colonel Dabney said to Mr. King and Mr.

"But you must 'ave come by it some'ow. Can't you remember?" He shook his head. "It has been there always. And yet I couldn't have been born with it." "'Course yer couldn'," she agreed The mark was pencilled in thin lines of red a little below the right shoulder, across the width of the deltoid muscle, and in figures about half an inch tall. "'Course yer couldn'," she repeated.

"Stooard," said the ship's cook in reply, as he raised his eyes from the contemplation of his bubbling coppers, "take my word for it, that there babby what has just bin launched ain't agoin' to shovel off his mortal coil as the play-actor said without makin' his mark some'ow an' somew'eres." "What makes you think so, Johnson?" asked the steward.

And she give me all she had on her her clothes, and a bite of bread and bacon, and two pence. And it wasn't as if we was pals. I'd never seen her afore. She stuck at nothing, and she only larfed at the risk, for they'd have shut her up for certain if they'd caught her. She said she'd manage some'ow.

"Where you chaps going to?" he asked of a soldier. "I dunno," the soldier answered. "Ireland, I think. I 'eard we was goin' to put down these bleedin' Orangemen that's bin makin' so much fuss lately, but some'ow I don't think that's it. 'Ere, mate," he added, thrusting a dirty envelope into Perkins's hand. "That's my wife's address.

"When I heard you'd got into trouble, my darling, I was put about. Some'ow I'd never thought of your being pinched and acshally sent to prison. It was in the Belgian papers, and a German friend of mine Oh! quite proper I assure you! He's a Secretary of their legation at Brussels and ages ago he used to be one of my clients when the Hotel had a different name. Well, he was full of it.

'Inde for years, an' I feel I can tyke care of anybody after 'im. You leave 'im to me, Mrs. MacDermott, an' I wown't let 'im come to no 'arm!" She leant forward suddenly and whispered to Eleanor. "I do 'ope it's a boy," she said. "Why?" said Eleanor blushing. "Ow, I dunno. Looks better some'ow to 'ave a boy first go off. You can always 'ave a girl afterwards.

And so, what wi' one thing and another, when they couldn't find who else had killed him, they give the verdict as he must ha' killed hisself. So, you see, they made it out some'ow. But you'll never make me believe 'e did it 'isself not after I've seen that 'ole." "I wonder who shot him," I said meditatively. "Yes, and you'll 'ave to go on wondering till the Judgment Day. You'll find out then.

A lot of men from other units have been killed. The last shell dropped into a mess-room and laid out a dozen or more, and just as we were coming along we saw an artilleryman lying in the road with a big hole right in the middle of his face. He was still warm but his heart had stopped beating. It's a bloody awful feeling to lose one of your mates, though." "I can't make it out, some'ow.

"Vell, he do seem to 'ave 'ad the honour of my acquaintance some'ow," returned the boy, whose tone of banter quickly passed away. "What d'ee call 'im?" "Dumps," said I. "That won't do. Has he a vite spot on the bridge of 'is nose?" asked the boy earnestly. "I really cannot tell. It is not long " "Here, Punch, come here!" called the boy, interrupting.