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Bill had relapsed into a sort of waking dream. He sat frowning sombrely, lost to the world. Archie, having waited what seemed to him a sufficient length of time for an answer to his question, bent forward and touched his brother-in-law's hand gently with the lighted end of his cigar. Bill came to himself with a howl. "What is?" said Archie. "What is what?" said Bill.

A replica of Europe, or America? a money-grubbing civilisation with no faith but the dollar? If so, we shall have had the great chance of history and lost it!" "We shan't lose it," said Anderson, "unless the gods mock us." "Why not?" said Mariette sombrely. "Nations have gone mad before now." "Ah! prophesy, prophesy!" said the Chief Justice sadly.

This time I was a-going to wait if I'd stayed all night." "Come in," Alves answered, unlocking the door. The woman dragged herself into the temple. "Not so tidy a place as you and the other one had," she remarked mournfully. Alves waited for her to declare her errand; but as she seemed in no haste to speak, she asked, "Did you ever find Ducharme?" The Duchesse nodded sombrely, closing her eyes.

An atmosphere of hope and cheerfulness pervaded the clearing station this first morning of the 'great offensive. Passing through a ward I said to the nurse, 'Well, sister, everything seems to be going splendidly. She looked up sombrely from the wound she was dressing and replied, 'So they said in the first hours of Neuve Chapelle. I was chilled by what she said and felt angry with her.

Not without the woman,” I said sombrely. “Take it,” she said. “I haven’t the courage to deliver myself up to Therese. No. Not even for your sake. Don’t you think I have been miserable enough yet?”

Argal, it was promptly pointed out and I espy the dark phrase constantly adorning leading articles to this day the man who said that Danton sombrely acquiesced in the doings of Billaud, Collet, and the rest, must of necessity, being of a firm and logical mind, himself sombrely acquiesce in moonlighting and cattle-houghing in Ireland.

"And I've had a dreadful headache all day," she broke out, pitifully, beginning to mop her eyes with a folded handkerchief, her face still turned away from Barbara. "Oh, poor thing!" said Barbara. "And the rehearsal must have made it worse!" "It's splitting," Julia said sombrely. She gave Barbara one grave, almost resentful, look, straightened her hat and fluffed up her hair, and went away.

"Smell," P. Sybarite mused aloud.... For an instant he was silent in depression. Then with extraordinary vehemence he continued crescendo: "Stupid-stagnant-sepulchral- sempiternally-sticky-Smell!" He paused for both breath and words pondered with bended head, knitting his brows forbiddingly. "Supremely squalid, sinisterly sebaceous, sombrely sociable Smell!" he pursued violently.

Ginger had simmered down to a mood of melancholy resignation. "I couldn't have expected you to care for me, I suppose, anyway," he said, sombrely. "I'm not much of a chap." It was just the diversion from the theme under discussion which Sally had been longing to find. She welcomed the chance of continuing the conversation on a less intimate and sentimental note.

So passing from the southern into the western road, they saw the town-lights beneath an amber sky burning out sombrely over the woods of Copsley, and entered the town, the postillion following. Diana was in the arms of her friend at a late hour of the evening, and Danvers breathed the amiable atmosphere of footmen once more, professing herself perished.