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"Then we've no need ter hang around much longer," said Rube, "for I've fixed on Lone Wolf Cañon. There's a strong appeal in the name of Lone Wolf." "Gives promise of romantic solitood, don't it?" mused the sheriff. "I'm not hankerin' after solitoods, myself. For real enjoyment, give me Brierley's saloon in Laramie on a Saturday night."

"Ain't you, Ann; lor', dearie, ain't you!" piped the old creature, snatching the food Diana offered. "But what about your nice young pal 'ere? Is 'e for comp'ny's sake jest to keep away the solitood, eh, dearie?" "We're padding it to Tonbridge, Moll." "Tonbridge hey!" gabbled this fearsome old woman, clawing at the meat with her bony, talon-like fingers in a highly offensive manner.

Ah, then, it's good luck is yer portion, Rooney. Didn't I think to sit down to me supper in solitood, whin in comes like a vision the frind as was a frind indade to me and the ladies the other day. Come in, come in, sit ye down there; an' ait till yer fit to bust. Och! but it's mesilf is glad this night.

Another protroods its nose out up by Crawfish's collar. "'Which you shore seems ha'nted of snakes? I says, steppin' back an' p'intin' at the reptiles. "'Them's my dumb companions, says Crawfish Jim. 'They shares my solitood.

"You may be right, Ebony," returned Hockins, with an approving nod; "we human being's is apt to think too much of ourselves. Moreover, it has come into my mind that Great Britain was a solitood once or much about it an' it's anything but that now; so mayhap them lands will be swarmin' wi' towns an' villages some day or other. What d'ee think, Doctor?"