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Be smart in learning the drills and all your other duties. It is better to be thought well of by your officers and by a few good men, than by all the wild chaps in the regiment. And remember, Jack, my boy, what an old soldier says, that while you do your duty to your Queen and your country, you do not forget your duty to your God. A man may be a good soldier and a good Christian at the same time.

As we advanced into the town, almost every male we met was a soldier, all rigged and well dressed, too, in the French uniform; in fact, the remarkable man, King Henry, or Christophe, took care to have his troops well fed and clothed in every case.

"Two miles from here, where I live," he said, after several vigorous puffs, "there's a little public-'ouse called the Beehive, kept by a lady wot I've got my eye on." The soldier sat up. "She won't 'ave me," said the boatswain, with an air of mild surprise. The soldier leaned back again. "She's a lone widder," continued Mr. Benn, shaking his head, "and the Beehive is in a lonely place.

Further, the knowledge that he will have to fight for every serious infraction of the rules of courtesy results in quickly making a disciplined soldier and considerate gentleman out of the cadet who is inclined to be bumptious.

"Colonel de Haldimar!" he proudly replied, while his chains clanked with the energy and force with which he drew up his person into an attitude of striking dignity; "for once I sink the private soldier, and address you in the character of the gentleman and your equal.

'I tell her she stands as if she'd been drilled for a soldier, Polly quietly continued. 'You're squeezing my arm with your elbow, Mr. Harrington. It didn't hurt me.

Think Frank here will ever be man enough for a soldier, Murray?" "Man enough? Of course," said the officer addressed. "We must get them both commissions as soon as they're old enough. Forbes might begin now." "H'm! Ha!" said Sir Robert, giving the lad a dry look. "Andrew Forbes will have to wait a bit."

I met him on the street the next morning, and before I could speak, he asked 'Did you see me? 'No, you weren't there. He looked surprised and disappointed. He said 'Yes, I was. Indeed I was. I was a Roman soldier. 'Which one? 'Why didn't you see them Roman soldiers that stood back there in a rank, and sometimes marched in procession around the stage?

There was une affaire des patrouilles what the British soldier calls a "scrap" along the road at Albert, between Amiens and Cambrai.

"My dear fellow," said the old soldier, "I promised your uncle, in this room, that I would take care of your mother. That saintly woman, I am told, is getting well again; now is the time to pour oil into your wounds. I have for you here two hundred thousand francs; I will give them to you " The lawyer's gesture was worthy of his uncle the Marshal.