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Was I being conducted to the lair of one of the savants attached to the establishment? and would he add a superfluous third to our little party of two, so complete and companionable, solus cum sola, in this populated wilderness? Above all, would he turn out to be a young man, and bring my aerial castles tumbling about my ears?

Paul writes, all the wisdom and understanding in the world as well. An ass truly does not have to sing much as he is already known for his ears. For you and our people, however, I shall show why I used the word "sola" even though in Romans 3 it wasn't "sola" I used but "solum" or "tantum". That is how closely those asses have looked at my text!

However, I have used "sola fides" in other places, and I want to use both "solum" and "sola". I have continually tried translating in a pure and accurate German. It has happened that I have sometimes searched and inquired about a single word for three or four weeks. Sometimes I have not found it even then.

Many times did Sola quell disturbances from revolutionary vessels which landed in Monterey from Mexico, and several attacks from pirates, and many a noble act is recorded of this loyal governor as well as of the no less loyal Spanish subjects of the Province.

Phoenix illa admiranda sola semper existit, therefore while a man & she is two, he shall never see her," a truth of very wide application, and too often lost sight of or never seen at all. "The Arabian Philos. Howes is a very interesting person, a mystic of the purest kind, and that while learning to be an attorney with Emanuel Downing.

Thence to Westminster palace, and there took boat and to Fox Hall, where we walked, and eat, and drank, and sang, and very merry. But I find Mrs. Horsfield one of the veriest citizen's wives in the world, so full of little silly talk, and now and then a little sillily bawdy, that I believe if you had her sola a man might hazer all with her.

In advising me that I must not leave the boundaries of the city Sola had explained that Woola would prevent this anyway should I attempt it, and she warned me most urgently not to arouse his fierce nature by ignoring his warnings should I venture too close to the forbidden territory.

For here again, in a matter consisting in the purest and most direct acts of religion, in the intercourse between God and the soul, during a season of recollection, of repentance, of good resolution, of inquiry into vocation, the soul was "sola cum solo;" there was no cloud interposed between the creature and the Object of his faith and love.

Ah, gladly would I give up my life a thousand times could I only hear them once again; but I could not then give even a second to the rapture of her sweet embrace, and pressing my lips to hers for the first time, I picked her up bodily and tossed her to her seat behind Sola again, commanding the latter in peremptory tones to hold her there by force, and then, slapping the thoat upon the flank, I saw them borne away; Dejah Thoris struggling to the last to free herself from Sola's grasp.

At odd moments during the last day or two I had been composing a simple melody in my brain, fitting it to ancient words; and now, without an instrument to assist me, I began softly singing to myself: Muy mas clara que la luna Sola una en el mundo vos nacistes.