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Timid and soft-stepping he was beyond measure. Such were the impressions I had been able to glean of these altogether queer people during the fortnight since the Honourable George had so lawlessly taken them up.

But every time the prolonged silence seemed to indicate a final cessation of the nuisance, the droning voice took up the tale once more. "And men were scorched with great heat and they repented not repented not." A soft-stepping native orderly moved to the bedside and paused. Instantly the wandering words were hushed. "Bring me some water, Sammy," the same voice said huskily.

There were others, too, whom Billy had met abroad; and there were soft-stepping, sweet-faced old women and an occasional white-whiskered old man Aunt Hannah's friends who found that the young mistress of Hillside was a charming hostess. There were also the Henshaw "boys," and there was always Calderwell at least, so Bertram declared to himself sometimes.

Hahn's apartment he lived alone was in the early fifties, off Fifth Avenue. For two days he had been ill with one of the heavy colds to which he was subject. He was unable to leave the house. Hence Wallie's errand. It was Saki or Saki's equivalent who opened the door. A white-coated, soft-stepping Jap, world-old looking like the room glimpsed just beyond.

Severn came in first; the directors rose as one man, urbane, sprightly, and gallant. She was exceedingly pretty; they recognised it. They could afford to. Compositely they were a smooth, soft-stepping, soft-voiced, company. An exception or two, like Mr. Tappan, merely accented the composite impression of rosy-cheeked, neatly shaven, carefully dressed prosperity.

So absorbed was he, achieving again that last bit of strategy by which he had gained the place to capture two men and reach the enemy's king row, that his soft-stepping daughter, who had come from the house, had to address him twice. "Have you had a good day, father?" The judge was momentarily confused. He had to recall that his invalidism, not his checker prowess, was in question.

In time of need Miss Clarendon had been not only the most active and zealous, but a most gentle and doubt it who may soft-stepping, soft-voiced nurse; but now, when Doctor Tudor had assured them that all fever was gone, and agreed with her that the patient would soon be well, if she would only think so, Miss Clarendon deemed it high time to use something more than her milder influence, to become, if not a rugged, at least a stern nurse, and she brought out some of her rigid lore.

A man appeared without a sound in the light of a street lamp, showing the coloured inverted triangle of his bordered poncho, square on his shoulders, hanging to a point below his knees. From the harbour end of the Calle a horseman walked his soft-stepping mount, gleaming silver-grey abreast each lamp under the dark shape of the rider.

This, while it appealed to a certain class of summer boarders, did not so much meet the wants of the casual traveller, so that while the house might from some reason or other be overfilled one night, it was just as likely to be almost empty the next, save for the faithful few who loved the woods and the ancient ways of the easy-mannered host and his attentive, soft-stepping help.

"Yes," said Rose; "I should think so, when we have a mystery in the very house." "What mystery?" "Mr. Richards, of course. He's a mystery worse than anything in the 'Mysteries of Udolpho. Why can nobody get to see him but that soft-stepping, oily-tongued little weasel, Ogden?" Kate looked at the pretty sister she loved so well, with the coldest glances she had ever given her. "Mr.