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No one who had not seen it would believe how clumsy and unthinking such girls are on first 'going out. It is, too, the flightiest and giddiest period of their existence before the girl sobers down into the woman.

Putting the end over his shoulders, he compels the sot to come along. It sobers the fellow, for the weight on his nose and the pulling on it hurts dreadfully, and often makes him squeal. Oyama, a mountain near Tokio, is said to be full of these long-nosed elves, but many other mountains are inhabited by them, for they like lonely places away from men.

The most violent and vehement free-lance below the gangway sobers down in office to politeness, and peace with all men of good or bad will. Sir William, sitting on the Treasury Bench that night beneath the wild tirade of Mr.

"But I am used to the quiet country, and a day like this is the exception." "I do not imagine you have ever lived a tame life." "Isn't that about the same as calling me wild?" "There's no harm in beginning a little in that way. Time sobers one fast enough." "You are so favored that I can scarcely imagine life bringing sobering experiences to you very soon." "Indeed?

Was it the demonstration that what we needed was to sit under the live-oaks and "develop the individual man," nor dare to look beyond? Was it the forgetfulness that muscles grow strong only with exercise; that it is the duties of manhood that take the acrid humors out of a youth's blood; that it is great responsibility, manfully met, not cowardly evaded, that sobers and steadies and ennobles?

"When I behold Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars which Thou hast ordained; what is man that Thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that Thou visitest him?" But if nature sobers, she also consoles. As the Psalmist continues: "Thou hast made him but little lower than the angels, and crownest him with glory and honor.

He's a regular efficiency expert in sport. Take fall and spring, when the wild geese come through, he'll soak grain in alcohol and put it out for 'em over on the big marsh. First thing you know he'll have a drunken old goose by the legs, all maudlin and helpless. Puts him in a coop till he sobers up, then butchers him. "Such is Safety First: never been known to take a chance yet.

It's like looking up suddenly from some nocturnal fête all Japanese lanterns and fireworks and seeing the moon gazing down serenely and unseeingly upon one; it startles and sobers one a little, you know. 'I suppose you are sober sometimes, said Althea, continuing to smile. 'Lord, yes! Gerald laughed. 'Really and truly, Miss Jakes, I'm only playing at being a child, you know.

He saw Tom, Al, three or four Devil's Tooth men edging up, and sent them a warning shake of his head. "Who knows this fellow? Where does he belong? I think his friends had better take care of him until he sobers up." "We'll take care of him," said another stranger, easing up to Lance. "He won't hurt yuh; he was only foolin', anyway.

I may feel so furious with destiny sometimes that I could go out and wave a red flag, or even the darker red of anarchy, but what always sobers me is the thought that if I had the good luck to inherit or make even a reasonable fortune I'd have no more use for socialism than for a rattlesnake in my bed. Why are you interested?" "Only as in any subject that interests a few million people.