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"We'll win out," he said, "but the canvass isn't any Christmas joy not this time. There's Jim Whelan," he told them. "We all know what Jim is a Tory from way back, where they make 'em so they last, and a soaker from way back, too; one day on his job and two days sleepin' off his whiskey.

And the young gentleman from the South knew enough about shooting to understand how he was being favored both by his host and what was a more unlikely thing by Hamish. He was shooting very well, too; and his spirits rose and rose until the lowering day was forgotten altogether. "We are in for a soaker this time!" he cried, quite cheerfully, looking around at one moment.

"Well," said Fagan mildly, "I have not had much ixperience in soakin' dongolas, if ye mean that, Dugan. I do not set up t' be an expert dongola soaker. I do not know th' rules t' go by. Some may like thim soaked long an' some may like thim soaked not so long, but if I was to say, I would say thim two dongolas at th' park has been soaked a dang sight too long.

Every time she comes around afterwards and lays down the law. Sometimes she brings her man, and they both lay down the law. Well, it's lively! That one on the left," he says, pointing to the children, "that's Nan, proper name Ananda. She's one of their four. She's got the nerve of a horsefly! The chunky one in the middle, his name's Sokai, but I call him Soaker for short.

"That case is put to bed," he said, "still insensible." "Is it very bad?" I asked. "Slight fracture of the occipital, and, of course, concussion of the brain probably contusion, too, I expect we shall find presently. Not so over serious for a healthy man, but I'm afraid he's an old soaker the sort that crumple up at a touch.

No! there is not a friend, and dry, clever gentlemen say, "Yes. Good chap enough once on a day, but can't afford to be seen with him now." The soaker is amazed to find that women are afraid of him a little, and shrink from him in fact, the only people who are cordial with him are the landlords, among whom he is treated as a sort of irresponsible baby. "I may as well have his money as anybody else.

Isn't it so, boys?" "Well, the fellows in these books are mighty lucky, and very smart, I must say," answered Will, surveying an illustration on the open page before him, where a small but virtuous youth is upsetting a tipsy giant in a bar-room, and under it the elegant inscription, "Dick Dauntless punches the head of Sam Soaker."

Then we have such busy men as auctioneers, ship-brokers, water-clerks, ship-captains, buyers for great firms all of whom are more or less a prey to the custom of "standing liquors." The soaker goes on without meeting any startling check for a good while; but, by slow degrees, the main organs of the body suffer, and a chronic state of alcoholic irritation is set up.

"My oath, yer right, Barcoo!" interposed "Sally" Thompson. "But, now I come to think of it, Old Awful Example there was a mate of his one time. Bless'd if the old soaker ain't comin' to life again!"

To what extent this tiny soaker is possessed of such a beak may be inferred from the amount of moisture with which he manages to inundate himself, which has all been withdrawn from the stem upon which he has fastened himself, and finally exuded from the pores of his body. This is the spume-bearer, Aprophora, in his first or larval estate, which continues for a few weeks only.