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He closed the door softly behind him and looked at his friend with such a strange expression on his freckled face that Teeny-bits said: "What in the name of mud is the matter, Snubby?" "Do you suppose there's any one in this school mean enough to steal?" asked Turner.

Then whisk! Before they could wink an eyelash they were safely down the chimney. Snubby Nose cried and he screamed and he howled! Tippy Toes danced this way, and he danced that way, and said, "Oh, Grandpa Grumbles, how I enjoyed the ride!" Grandpa Grumbles said, "Off to bed when the merry winds blow, So back up the chimney old Grandpa can go."

The speech at the mass meeting, the discovery of Snubby Turner sliding down the side of the fire rope and breaking into Campbell's room, the incident with Mr. Stevens, the summons to Doctor Wells' office, the visit to Gannett Hall and the astounding secret that revealed itself when the boards of the closet were lifted, all those events seemed like strange imaginings.

Miss Luck gets him chosen to a convention by a fluke and Peter votes against Costell's wishes. What happens? Costell promptly takes him up and pushes him for all he's worth. He snubs society, and society concludes that a man who is more snubby and exclusive than itself must be a man to cultivate.

Their blues and reds and greens are like ours with a light behind them. The palace is entirely built of many-coloured glasses, and it is quite the loveliest of all royal residences, but the queen sometimes complains because the common people will peep in to see what she is doing. They are very inquisitive folk, and press quite hard against the glass, and that is why their noses are mostly snubby.

He went down the road calling, "Woo, woo, woo!" He would not even stop for his basket of cookies. Bushy-Tail called back, "Where they have gone to nobody knows, I'll find Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes." Bunny and Susan said, "We are glad to get out of the merry-go-round, but we must send word to Grandpa Grumbles not to let Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes out. Who will carry the message?"

The mirror answered, "Snubby Nose." "My fur and whiskers, the room is all clean!" Bunny Cotton-Tail cried. Susan Cotton-Tail cried, "Bless my buttons, everything is in order." Grandpa Grumbles said, "There is a mystery in the air, There is something strange, I do declare."

Tippy Toes said, "I have danced that dance before, and I sing that song very often, but the mirror always gives me the same answer. Who is Snubby Nose? I wonder if he has a real ugly little nose like I have?" Then Tippy Toes made up the fire and washed the dishes and began to get things ready to cook for supper.

Old Jerry thrust his head forward slightly, as if seeing his visitor for the first time, and said: "There's ijeers in this book, I wanter tell yer. It's about an awful smart feller who had ways of his own in gettin' at the bottom o' things kind of a detecative chap." Snubby looked at the title and saw that it was "The Mystery of the Million Dollar Diamond."

"When I went down to football practice to-day I left my gold watch and a purse with twelve dollars in it in the top drawer of my chiffonier. They're both gone!" "Are you sure?" asked Teeny-bits. "Yes, I am," declared Snubby. "Absolutely sure." Snubby Turner was not the only member of Ridgley School who lost property during the days that preceded the game with Jefferson.