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After some hours I had the satisfaction to notice that the snow had ceased falling, and a brighter night, with frost, had set in. This was pleasant, as the probability of being snowed up was no longer to be apprehended, but the biting cold was terrible, and I knew that if I succumbed to sleep, I would be frost-bitten. I scarcely know how I got through the night; one never does.

"We can play dominoes," suggested Rod cheerfully. "You remember we haven't finished that series we began at the Post. But you don't expect me to believe that it snowed enough yesterday afternoon and last night to cover this cabin, do you?" "It didn't exactly snow enough to cover it," explained his comrade. "But we're covered for all of that.

One of them appropriated a pair of boots, and was much surprised to find that he had to pay for them on being settled with. I could not blame them much for not caring to work, as the weather was very disagreeable it rained or snowed almost continuously.

His friends said to him, 'If you go to the Council, Duke George will have you burnt. He answered, 'If it snowed Duke Georges nine days together, I must go. They said, 'If you go into that town, you will never leave it alive. He said, 'If there were as many devils in the town as there are tiles on the houses, I must go. And he went, Bible in hand, and said, 'Here I stand; I can do no otherwise.

Bacon volunteered to ask her Jim about him, and three days later stopped by Miss Mink's cottage to tell her that Bowinski had broken his leg over a week before and was in the Base Hospital. "Can anybody go out there that wants to?" demanded Miss Mink. "Yes, on Sundays and Wednesdays. But you can't count on the cars running to-day. Jim says everything's snowed under two feet deep."

The ship was invisible at a distance of fifty yards, and it was impossible to preserve one's sense of direction in the raging wind and suffocating drift. To walk against the gale was out of the question. Face and eyes became snowed up within two minutes, and serious frost-bites would have been the penalty of perseverance.

Self-mastery was his idiosyncrasy; it was particularly noticeable in his speaking; he encouraged in himself such scrupulous economy of gesture, movement and colour that, after hearing him many times, I came to the definite conclusion that Chamberlain's opponents were snowed under by his accumulated moderation. Whatever Dilke's native impulses were, no one could say that he controlled them.

"The centre held their ground at last, and all was still, Part of the night was employed in hunting the dead and wounded. Many were wounded and frozen to death, being left on the ground during the night. The suffering in front of Dolinsburg was something almost indescribable it snowed, sleeted, hailed and froze during the whole of the night.

Under this class should be mentioned "Humble People," a short story, the scene of which is laid in the extreme north. It is the story of a close friendship between a nurse in a dispensary and a school-teacher. Snowed in by a terrible winter a winter of seven months these two friends find in their daily meetings the only pleasure that can make their enforced solitude easier for them.

She thinks we go to him, to the camp. How can I tell her? I cannot I dare not." "Let her think what satisfies her most. We can tell her as much as is best for her to know, a little at a time, and there will be plenty of time to do it in. We'll be snowed up on this mountain all winter." The young woman did not reply, but stood perfectly still, gazing off into the moonlit wilderness.