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"Every little while we sat down and pounded our feet with our walking sticks to keep up the circulation. At last we came to about two feet of a telephone pole sticking up through the snowbank. We knew then that we were off the road and were high up on the mountain. Luckily for us, the snowbanks were so heavily crusted that they held us up without breaking through.

Arabella gave another yelp and rushed out; she went between my feet like a shot and almost overthrew me, and when I'd got my balance again I looked into the room. Mr. Pierce was at the window, staring out, and the room was empty. "The idiot!" Mr. Pierce said. "If it hadn't been for that snowbank! Here, give me that candle!"

We had to cross one deep snowbank before reaching the crest of the hill, and upon our descent came upon a depression in the snow, which Toolooah recognized as a bear's igloo. A few patches of white wool near the entrance confirmed his opinion. I crawled in as far as I could, to see in what sort of a house the polar bear hibernated, and found it very much in size and shape like those of the Inuits.

My veins is full of cream de menthy, and I'll knock his horns off'n him if he gives me any lip. "Just then the snowbank heaved up. It wasn't no devil that is, not exactly. It was a lady. I'd a bet on it if I'd had time to think.

Out of the forest at last there stood the mountain, wholly unveiled, awful in bulk and majesty, filling all the view like a separate, new-born world, yet withal so fine and so beautiful it might well fire the dullest observer to desperate enthusiasm. Long we gazed in silent admiration, buried in tall daisies and anemones by the side of a snowbank.

It shore looks to me like there ain't but one way to answer that." "And that there one answer," said Tom Osby, "is now a-reclinin' in the snowbank up on Carrizy." "I reckon that's so, all right, Mac," assented Curly, reflectively. "I could have et one more oyster or so, but I can quit if it's for the good of the country."

She was not there the bed was untouched, and gleamed upon him through the crimson light that filled the room, like a crusted snowbank. There was none of that luxurious confusion which usually marks the apartment of a sleeping lady. The rich toilet service was in complete order.

"No; he'd be a cannibal," put in the Righthandiron, desirous of stopping the quarrel between the rivals. "How do you make that out?" demanded the Bellows. "Because Tom is a brick himself," explained the Righthandiron; and just then slap! bang! the party plunged head first into what appeared to be and in fact really was a huge snowbank. "Hurrah! Here we are!" cried Lefty, gleefully.

Then she began to appreciate the joke and laughed with the others. "I was going to tell the folks at home how Tommy saved me from the peril of being buried in the snowbank; but I guess I'd better not," she observed. "Don't blame me, Tommy. Give it to Bob." "Ill get square with Bob," grumbled the Tucker twin. "No fear of that."

I will not mention any names, but I know who they are and so does father. Then I tried my best to catch cold and really be sick by standing on the snowbank in the Methodist graveyard with my bare feet until Jerry pulled me off. But it didn't hurt me a bit and so I couldn't get out of going to church. So I just decided I would put my boots on and go that way.