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His tired face is charming, and has a look that I cannot describe lost, as it were, to all surroundings; a Welshman or a Highlander, but no pure Englishman, could look like that. Our carriage has four French officers; they talk neither to us nor to each other; they sleep, sitting well back, hardly moving all night; one of them snores a little, but with a certain politeness.

"I was ready to swear, and I was ashamed for the fellow who had no more self-control than that: when a fellow snores, or has a nightmare, you always think first off that he needn't have had it if he had tried. As usual, I knew Melford didn't know what his nightmare was about, and that made me madder still, to have him bellowing into the air like that, with no particular aim.

Now, though in remorse at her own carelessness, Take-a-Stitch bent over the little one and begged her pardon most earnestly, the baby gave no sign of hearing and slumbered on with her face growing a deeper red and her breath beginning to come in a way that recalled the old captain's snores.

He was very much aware of the snores of the sleepers as he pursued the idea that had flashed into his mind. "Say, Breck, have they opened up the meat-packs my dogs carried?" "A couple. I was watching. They put them in Harding's cache." "Did they find anything?" "Meat." "Good. You've got to get into the brown canvas pack that's patched with moosehide. You'll find a few pounds of lumpy gold.

The windows are closed, the curtains drawn, the inhabitants retired into the coolest recesses of their mansions; the full-fed monk snores in his dormitory; the brawny porter lies stretched on the pavement beside his burden; the peasant and the laborer sleep beneath the trees of the Alameda, lulled by the sultry chirping of the locust.

The princess thought that she would not mind it; it would at any rate be a change from listening monotonously to the snores of the baroness. The Twins found it much more difficult to comfort and cheer their fair-haired, freckled, but infuriated friend.

"He does not stir, he is immovable and his face oh! merciful gods." "A man who snores is not dead," said the sculptor. "But the doctor told him " "He is not even ill! Pontius only gave him stronger wine to drink than he is used to. Let him be; he is sleeping with the pillow under his neck, as comfortably as a child.

No, it was only a man snoring at the other end of the car. His snores had a greasy sound, as though they passed through tallow. She lay down and tried to sleep... Had she not heard him move? She started up trembling... The silence frightened her more than any sound. He might not be able to make her hear he might be calling her now... What made her think of such things?

The air, new and fine from the hands of its Maker, acquired a distinct flavor of nicotine as it flitted past the yacht. From some hidden depth rose the subdued and convalescent snores of that early retirer, the sailing-master's wife. Below forward, two deck-hands were thoughtfully playing set-back for pennies, while a machinist sat by and read a sporting extra by a swinging bulb.

But all in vain, for Mr Jonas returned, and Anthony had said no more. 'What! My father asleep again? he cried, as he hung up his hat, and cast a look at him. 'Ah! and snoring. Only hear! 'He snores very deep, said Mr Pecksniff. 'Snores deep? repeated Jonas. 'Yes; let him alone for that. He'll snore for six, at any time.