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"I've been reading of Tiny Tim while you snoozed," he said apologetically. It seems only yesterday and it is only yesteryear since Walter Pater sat by my side in a Club garden, and listened eloquently to my after-lunch causerie, and now he is gone To where, beyond the Voices, there is Peace. You grasp that his eloquence was oracular, silent. He had an air.

They've put him up to turn out the cattle an' drive 'em back while we snoozed." "Maybe they did come with him," said Jud, "an' they're waitin' somewhere. It would be like 'em to come sneakin' back an' try to drive the cattle over, an' put 'em in the river in the night, so it would look like they had got out an' gone away themselves." Ump's forehead wrinkled like an accordion.

In place of the frugal bite or so that would have left us alert and fit for an afternoon's work, we ate until nothing remained. Then we lit pipes and lay on our backs, and contemplated a cloudless sky. It was the warm time of day. The horses snoozed, a hind leg tucked up; old Ben lay outstretched in doggy content; Mrs.

It was indeed lovelier, the evening voyage up that beautiful Alp-locked lake, and while auntie, fatigued with her day's shopping and sight-seeing, snoozed placidly in the salon, and Cary, on honor not to smoke cigarettes again until his next birthday, was puffing a Swiss "penny-grab" at the bow, Mr.

"But, bless me, how I should like to have snoozed on: for I was dreaming that I was away back in Old England, in my sister Susan's cottage, with the youngsters playing about in front of the porch, and Betsy Dawson who has promised to marry me when I next get back just coming in at the door to have a cup of tea and a quiet chat; and I was putting out my hand to take hers, when I found myself clutching a heap of sand."

An old dog, a favorite of yore, lying asleep on the hearth, only opened his eyes and wrinkled his brows to make sure, it would seem, who had the stick; then closing his lids peacefully snoozed away again, presently snoring in the fullness of his sense of security.

As for the planters, more accustomed to "Nooning," they, at once, presented a nuptial back to each other; and were soon snoring away at a great rate. Tonoi snoozed on a mat, in one corner. At last, we were roused by Zeke's crying out, "Up b'ys; up! rise, and shine; time to get at it agin!" Looking at the doctor, I perceived, very plainly, that he had decided upon something.

It was about daylight then, and I must have snoozed away until near noon, when I heard the order 'fall in! and found the regiment getting into line, and the boys all tallying about going right into Atlanta; that the Rebels had evacuated the City during the night, and that we were going to have a race with the Fifteenth Corps as to which would get into the City first.

As the robin fluttered through the gloom to her shoulder, she pressed her finger to her lips to warn him. The baby eyes were the merest slits of blueness. The little thumb was in the mouth and the baby lips were sucking hard. The tiny knees were digging into the Woman's body and the baldy head was cushioned on her bosom. The dog snoozed across her feet.

'The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Why, miss, we do read of Eutychus, how he snoozed off setting under Paul himself up in a windy and down a-tumbled. But parson says it wasn't that he didn't love religion, or why should Paul make it his business to bring him to life again, 'stead of letting un lie for a warning to the sleepy-headed ones.