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"I know, but I heard Sam Snedecker, who used to be pretty thick with him, saying the other day that he expected a visit from Andy. I hope he doesn't come back to Shopton, even for a day, for he always tries to make trouble for me. Well, let's go in, and tell 'em all about our chase after a chicken thief." "And so he got away?" remarked Mr. Swift, when Tom had completed his story.

He was as good as his word, and, when one or two lads had received a dose of the stuff, which punishment was followed by more severe from home, for having gotten their clothes soiled, the nuisance ceased, to a certain extent. Sam Snedecker and Pete Bailey were two who received a liberal sprinkling of the lime, and they vowed vengeance on Tom.

As for the occupants of that machine, from Andy Foger, the owner, to the three cronies who were riding with him, they all looked very much astonished. "Are we is it damaged any, Andy?" asked Sam Snedecker. "I hope not," growled Andy. "If my car's hurt it's Tom Swift's fault!" He leaped from his seat and made a hurried inspection of the machine.

"That's what we will," agreed Andy, and Sam Snedecker shook his head vigorously to indicate that he, too, approved of this. "Come on," spoke Tom in a low tone to Ned, "I've seen enough." The two chums moved toward Ned's house, followed by the jeers and mocking laughter of Andy and his cronies.

"Oh, he was with his crony, Sam Snedecker. You know Sam said, some time ago, that Andy was to pay him a visit, but Andy didn't come then, for some reason or other. I suppose this call makes up for it. I met them down near Parker's drug store." "You didn't hear Andy say anything about coming back here?" and the young inventor's voice was a trifle anxious. "No," replied Ned.

"It's queer that the Foger boy doesn't come home. That makes it look as if he was guilty." "Oh, I'm sure he took it all right," returned Tom. "All I want is to see him. It certainly is queer that he stays away as long as he does. Sam Snedecker and Pete Bailey are with him, too. But they'll have to return some time." Tom dreamed that night of finding his boat and that it was a wreck.

"Logansville, this state, was the place. I once saw Tom Snedecker mail Andy a letter addressed to there. But what has that to do with it?" Tom's answer was to turn to a large map on the wall of his shop. With a long stick he pointed out the city of Logansville. "That isn't very far from the Canadian border; is it, Ned?" he asked. "Say, what are you driving at, Tom?

Tom was about to cross the street when he was startled by the sound of an automobile horn loudly blown just at his side. Then a voice called: "Hey, there! Git out of the way if you don't want to be run over!" He looked up, and saw a car careening along. At the wheel was the red-haired bully, Andy Foger, and in the tonneau were Sam Snedecker and Pete Bailey.

In fact it was true, as far as it went, but, of course, the tools were only those for the airship; the same ones Mr. Sharp had sent the lad after. Sam Snedecker was called in after Andy, and told substantially the same story. Mr. Swift could not understand it, for he knew nothing of Tom being sent for the tools, and had not heard any talk at home of the bag of implements ordered by the balloonist.

He was driving slowly along, thinking more of his new invention than anything else, even more than of the mysterious visit of Sam Snedecker, when the lights on Mr. Damon's car flashed upon something big, black and bulky on the road just ahead of him. Tom, brought suddenly out of his fit of musing, jammed on the brakes, and steered to one side. Then he saw that the object was a stalled auto.