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"St-t-top him," said the quartermaster, snailing lazily along from the mess-tent, where he had been lunching; "h e d-doesn't know that if h e g-g-goes c-clear over h e'll w ind up the sw ing." With such energy was that strong man cannonading himself through the air that at each extremity of his increasing arc his body, standing in the swing, was almost horizontal.

"Snailin'," said Mr. Fletcher gloomily; exhibited his snail. "Snail elsewhere. Do not snail where I am." "I snails where there's snails." "Cease snailing. You must have been there hours." "What if I have? This garden's fair planted with snails." "Snail oftener. Depart." Mr. Fletcher moved a few steps; then turned. "I should like to ast if this is to be part of my regular job.

The town of Caldwell afterward sprang up on the border, but at this time among drovers it was known as Stone's Store, a trading-post conducted by Captain Stone, afterward a cowman, and already mentioned in these memoirs. Several herds had already passed on my arrival; I watched the trail, meeting every outfit for nearly a week, and finally George Edwards came snailing along.

I'm sorry for you, M'sieu' Jean Jacques, and I've come to say that I'm ready to lend you two thousand dollars, if that's any help. I could make it more if I had time; but sometimes money on the spot is worth a lot more than what's just crawling to you snailing along while you eat your heart out.

I'm sorry for you, M'sieu' Jean Jacques, and I've come to say that I'm ready to lend you two thousand dollars, if that's any help. I could make it more if I had time; but sometimes money on the spot is worth a lot more than what's just crawling to you snailing along while you eat your heart out.

You know you don't want to learn this, and that's why you're snailing." It was rather a trick of Diavolo's "to snail" over his lessons, for in that as in many other things he was very unlike the good little boy who loved his book, besides evincing many other traits of character equally unpopular at the present time.

Let's have the whole hummingbird for breakfast, so that when we ride out of this camp, all worth saving will be the coffee pot and frying pan. So long as we hold the cattle, who cares for expense." The herd was in hand as it left the bed ground. An ideal spring day lent its aid to the snailing cattle.

We had taken on new supplies at Ogalalla, and a week afterwards the herd was snailing along the North Platte on its way to the land of the Blackfeet. It was always hard to get a herd past a supply point. We had the same trouble when we passed Dodge.

But I could not bear to part company so quickly and so I turned left instead, out Macy Street. Now we found ourselves caught in the traffic snailing eastward. In low gear I drove a block, then stopped and waited till a clear ten feet ahead permitted another painfully slow forward motion.