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Thus he lied, the odious man, to the monarch, for Uther was gone forth with his army, nor ever him saw Uther, nor thither him sent! And the king weened that it were sooth, and believed him enow. Who would ween that he were traitor! -for on his bare body he wore a cuirass, thereupon he had a loathly hair-cloth, and then a cowl of a black cloth; he had blackened his body, as if smutted with coal!

Let us, however, ask the witness Armstrong one question. Do you positively swear to this young man being one of the persons who attacked you?" "It was not very light at the time, sir, and both the men had their faces smutted; but it was a person just his size, and dressed in the ame way, as near as I can recollect." "You cannot, therefore, swear to his identity?"

Ere Waverley could ask particulars, a strong, large-boned, hard-featured woman, about forty, dressed as if her clothes had been flung on with a pitchfork, her cheeks flushed with a scarlet red where they were not smutted with soot and lamp-black, jostled through the crowd, and, brandishing high a child of two years old, which she danced in her arms, without regard to its screams of terror, sang forth, with all her might,

She faced the Greek god who, in a somewhat ungodlike way, was stitching a coat on a scaley sewing-machine, in a room of smutted plaster walls. She saw that his hands were not in keeping with a Hellenic face. They were thick, roughened with needle and hot iron and plow-handle. Even in the shop he persisted in his finery. He wore a silk shirt, a topaz scarf, thin tan shoes.

He, too, stared down at Newman, and clutched the rail for support, while the flesh of his face became a livid hue, and his expression one of incredulous horror. "Where have you come from?" he said in a shrill, strained voice. Newman's clothes and face were smutted with the grime from the peak, but his air was debonair. He answered Captain Swope airily.

When the onset came at last, it was December, and the enemy only consisted of about thirty dreary-looking men and boys in smock-frocks and chalked or smutted faces, armed only with sticks and an old gun diverted from its purpose of bird-scaring.

Let us, however, ask the witness Armstrong one question. Do you positively swear to this young man being one of the persons who attacked you?" "It was not very light at the time, sir, and both the men had their faces smutted; but it was a person just his size, and dressed in the same way, as near as I can recollect." "You cannot, therefore, swear to his identity?"

She stared at the coal-littered floor, at the streaked and smutted walls, at the overturned chairs and a broken flower-pot or two that had come to ruin during the bombardment. "Sure! whativer struck the place?" asked Delia in her high, squeaking voice. "What happened?" Janice told her. Delia shook her head and slowly closed the door slowly but firmly.

The street before it might have been a second-rate New York, or, preferably, Boston, business street, except for a peculiarly London commonness in the smutted yellow brick and harsh red brick shops and public-houses.

"I bane break all his legs!" rejoined this quite ferocious girl. "How dese cats coom here? I bane sure you know!" She turned to glare at Janice Day so savagely, a lump of coal poised in her smutted hand, that the girl was really frightened. She backed away from the angry woman. Then she thought of something she might do to save the cats and the back kitchen from complete wreck.