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When, in Yankee-land, some lovelorn Zeekle is notoriously sweet upon any Huldy of the rural maids, when "His heart keeps goin' pitypat, And hern goes pity Zeekle," when she is "All kind o' smily round the lips, And teary round the lashes," it is usual to describe his condition by a feline figure; he is said to "cuddle up to her like a sick kitten to a hot brick."

Hope is always so sunshiny and smily " "Oh, you named it for your sister." "Who did you think it was named for?" "I didn't understand. Is it a habit of yours to name all your flowers?" "N-o, not all. But we gener'ly name our pansies, Allee and me. See, this beautiful white one with just a tiny speck of yellow in the middle I called my Lilac Lady." "Why?"

All my heart, all my affection, all my admiration, went out spontaneously to this frisky little forked black thing, this compact and compressed incarnation of energy and force and promptness and celerity and confidence, this smart, smily, engaging, shiney-eyed little devil, feruled on his upper end by a gleaming fire-coal of a fez with a red-hot tassel dangling from it.

Handshake, admiring stare, "Glad to see ye" courteous nod, smily "Most happy!" and Higgins passes on. None of these visitors was at ease, but, being honest people, they didn't pretend to be.

All my heart, all my affection, all my admiration, went out spontaneously to this frisky little forked black thing, this compact and compressed incarnation of energy and force and promptness and celerity and confidence, this smart, smily, engaging, shiney-eyed little devil, feruled on his upper end by a gleaming fire-coal of a fez with a red-hot tassel dangling from it.

And there we saw more natives: Wrinkled old women, with their flat mammals flung over their shoulders, or hanging down in front like the cold-weather drip from the molasses-faucet; plump and smily young girls, blithe and content, easy and graceful, a pleasure to look at; young matrons, tall, straight, comely, nobly built, sweeping by with chin up, and a gait incomparable for unconscious stateliness and dignity; majestic young men athletes for build and muscle clothed in a loose arrangement of dazzling white, with bronze breast and bronze legs naked, and the head a cannon-swab of solid hair combed straight out from the skull and dyed a rich brick-red.

There was about as much music left in it as there is in a fish horn, but I was as delighted as if it had been a pipe organ, and when the folks wouldn't let me practice at home on it, I took it out in the country and kept it in Smily Garrett's barn.

But this time, oh, I remember! I was trying to make out how that shoal came to be there, when it is not buoyed out on the map. Come, Miss Hilda, you must laugh now!" And Hilda laughed, and dried her eyes, and looked up, "All kinder smily round the lips, And teary round the lashes." "That's right!" said Roger, heartily.