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I never happened actually to witness a catastrophe of this kind on the great scale, though I have seen one or two smartish gales in my time. Indeed the most serious evils I recollect to have been present at occurred on board the Volage, on the very passage to India which I am now describing. The following are the words in which these incidents are noticed in my journal:

They confessed ruefully to having backed him a certain distance, notwithstanding. 'He took it so coolly, just as if paying for goods across a counter. 'And he had something to bear, Braney, when you fell on him, said Potts, and murmured aside: 'He can be smartish. Hears me call Braney Rufus, and says he, like a fellow-chin on his fiddle "Captain Mountain, Rufus Mus'. Not bad, for a counter."

He had relieved me of his hat and poncho and I had one hand on the litter, ready to climb in, when I heard hoofs behind us on the road. I looked back. There was a rider on a beautiful bay mare coming up at a smartish lope. Just as he came abreast of us she shied at the litter and reared and began to prance about. I give you my word I never had such a fright in my life.

Those two crooks of yours, Pete and Nick, were in this morning, and I heard 'em talkin'. Then I got 'em yarning to me. They've got every move Fyles is making dead right. They're smartish guys, and I feel they're too smart for you by a sight. If things go their way you're safe. If there's a chance of trouble for them you're up against it." Charlie licked his dry lips as the saloonkeeper paused.

Straightway he rings for the secretary, and issues a smartish general order, in which the wretched captain of the offending ship catches the reprimand, with a most usurious allowance of interest. Off goes the said skipper to his ship, in a great fume and hurry, carrying a whole sail in the gig, though on ordinary occasions he chooses to have a reef in.

My last selection was a smartish Malacca stick, the ideal stick for town wear, which I thrust into the defenceless hands of my client. "And now, sir," I said firmly, "it is but a step to a barber's stop where English is spoken." And ruefully he accompanied me.

There was a smartish frost, with some snow on the ground; and, when we arrived opposite the fortress, about midday, the garrison did not appear to think that we were in earnest, for a number of their officers came out, under the shelter of a stone-wall, within half musket-shot, and amused themselves in saluting and bowing to us in ridicule; but, ere the day was done, some of them had occasion to wear the laugh on the opposite side of the countenance.

"The local man down here seems to be a smartish sort of fellow, and I was careful to see that he had the facts all right before he went away." "What local man? What facts?" I asked. "My dear fellow," said Brunow, smiling and waving his table-napkin in the air, "we are people of distinction, and under the circumstances our comings and goings are naturally chronicled.

Some individuals in England have reproached me with indulging too much in building castles in the air; but certainly, compared to those of a Yankee in search after wealth, mine have been most sober speculations. Each of our new companions had some little Texan history to relate, which they declared to be the most rascally, but smartish trick in the world.

The man had only observed her hat; and all he could say was that he thought it "a smartish one." "Any particular color?" I went on. "Not that I know of. Dark green, I think." "Any ornament in it?" "Yes! A purple feather." The hat I had seen on the head of that hateful woman was now sufficiently described for a man.