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He could see that his late clerk was leading to a point of some sort, and listened with a growing impatience. 'He was leaving his rooms that night, sir, said Hornett, 'as sly as a cat. I was just on the ground-floor of Number One as he was locking the door behind him.

Or is there another man?" "Yes, Aunt." "Where is he?" said Lady Thompson, looking about her as though she expected to find him hidden under the furniture. "And how did you manage to become entangled with him, you sly girl, under my very nose? And who is he? One of those bowing and scraping Italians, I suppose, who think you'll get my money. Tell me the truth at once."

"See for yourself if you don't believe me. I don't know how much two and a 'arf million dollars is but it sounds unkimmonly like a nors-end-kerridge and never said a word about 'im the whole time, the sly little thing!" The universe seemed oscillating so that he grasped at the letter like a drunken man. It was from the vicar. He wrote:

"Women are amorous little doves," he lisped, "they always want to be going home to their nests." Laying his arm heavily round her neck he stammered caressingly, "Yes, yes, I'm coming, my dove, only have patience." And then he gave such a sly wink with his glassy eyes that the men broke into a laugh, which resembled nothing so much as a horse whinnying. Mrs. Tiralla had shrunk back.

"Everybody does, and Leonore especially," was Kurt's sly answer. "You can go, Loneli," said the grandmother. "You must celebrate this great day with them." Loneli actually glowed with joy when she ran off with Kurt. As they were sitting under the pine tree, the Baron and Mrs. Maxa were reviving memories of long ago, and he listened with great emotion when Mrs.

He's tall, and lazy, and sly, and sneaky, and ruther cowardly, too, but kind of good-natured, and wears long brown hair and no beard, and hasn't got a cent, and Brace boards him for nothing, and gives him his old clothes to wear, and despises him. Jubiter is a twin." "What's t'other twin like?" "Just exactly like Jubiter so they say; used to was, anyway, but he hain't been seen for seven years.

Monsieur Carmaignac was little, lean, and as straight as a ramrod. He was bald, took snuff, and wore spectacles; and, as I soon learned, held an official position. Tom was facetious, sly, and rather difficult to understand, in his present pleasant mood. He was elevating his eyebrows and screwing his lips oddly, and fanning himself vaguely with his mask.

The young lady got out, and the hold folks driv back. I did not go arter them!" and Beck looked sly. "So! I must find out the name." "I axed at the public," said Beck, proud of his diplomacy. "They keeps a sarvant vot takes half a pint at her meals. The young lady's mabe a foriner." "A foreigner! Then she lives there with her mother?" "So they s'pose at the public." "And the name?"

'I hope you have suffered no inconvenience from your late exertions, Dennis? 'I always will say of you, Muster Gashford, returned the hangman, staring at him, 'that that 'ere quiet way of yours might almost wake a dead man. It is, he added, with a muttered oath still staring at him in a thoughtful manner 'so awful sly! 'So distinct, eh Dennis?

While, therefore, the mayor and the other dignitaries left the hall with as much state and order as if not going to meet an invading army, but to join a holiday festival, Nicholas and Stokton lingered behind. "Master Alwyn," said Stokton, then, with a sly wink of his eye, "you have this day done yourself great credit; you will rise, I have my eye on you! I have a daughter, I have a daughter!