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I'd loaded him into an elevator and was strollin' through the waitin'-room, when Old Hickory comes paddin' out as slinky as a man of his weight can. "Young man," says he, "where is that Captain person?" "About the tenth floor by now, sir," says I. "Bring him back," says Mr. Ellins, sharp and snappy. "Through the private entrance. Understand?"

I do assure you, Nelly, that, until you leave off that monstrosity of steel and cordage, your sense and taste, so far as costume is concerned, must be taken on credit, as well as your curtsies. Mrs. Grey. Leave off my hoop? Would you have me look like a fright? as slinky as if I had been drawn through a key-hole? Miss Larches. Leave off her hoop? Mr. Key. Be seen without a hoop?

For they were going back they had been brilliantly sure of it Oliver had only to finish his novel that was so much better already than any novel Nancy had ever read sell a number of copies of it that seemed absurdly small in proportion to the population of America and then they could live where they pleased and Oliver could compose Great Works and Nancy get ahead with her very real and delicate talent for etching instead of having to do fashion-drawings of slinky simperers in Lucile dresses or appetite-arousing paintings of great cans of tomato soup.

But in any event, they put the witless idea into execution. Toward nightfall the young wife returned. She had on a frock of some thin, slinky stuff and a droopy garden hat with flowers on it and carried a sunshade. She was awfully pretty. She hadn't been out there long enough to lose her English coloring, you see.

He had brought back from those long-ago voyages bales and bales of splendid Oriental fabrics stiff rustling silks and slinky clinging crepes and indescribably brilliant brocades shot with silver or with gold. For nearly fifty years Mrs. Shears had worn dresses made from these romantic stuffs and she was wearing them yet in Cherryvale!

I could write a book on the Decline and Fall of the Petticoat, beginning with the billowy white muslin variety, and working up to the present slinky messaline affair.

A slinky man comes up at his elbow and starts to talk out of the side of his mouth. "Say, mister " "Oh, go to hell!" and the man fades away again, without even looking startled, to mutter "Well, you needn' be so damn peeved about it I'll say you needn' be so damn peeved whatcha think you are, anyhow Marathon Mike?" as Oliver's feet take Oliver swiftly away from him. Nancy.

About seven years before, I had first seen her, a slim, dark little thing of twelve or fourteen, very badly dressed in slinky, too-long skirts that whipped around preposterously thin ankles, blue-black hair dragged away from a forehead almost too fine, made into a bundle of some fashion that belonged neither to childhood nor womanhood, her little, pointed face redeemed by a pair of big black eyes with a wonderful inner light, the eyes of this girl glowing here at my left hand.

A young waitress in a slinky white dress came over to serve him. He decided to have dinner there a repayment to Mabel. The last time, he had only ordered one drink, and when he thought back over the evening, decided that he had in fact never paid for it or any of the drinks he had with Al and the others. At least he could give her some business by ordering dinner.

The imperilled young lady was connected with the drama, it seemed, and she sought free advertisement and was willing to go pretty far to get it. Coming away from a roof garden show one steaming night, a slinky-looking, slightly lame person asked Green for the time, and as Green reached for his watch he endeavoured to pick Green's pocket. Being thwarted in this, the slinky person made slowly off.