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"I'll try," said I, with a quiet smile, for I had subdued myself by that time. "Try away then who?" "Miss Edith Blythe!" On hearing this, little Slidder's eyes began to open and glisten till they outshone his own buttons. "Why how ever did you come to guess it?" gasped the boy, on recovering himself. "I did not guess it, I found it out.

Don't let it tumble off your knees, now; I'd adwise you to lower 'em for the time bein'. Here's the spoon; it ain't as bright as I could wish, but you can't expect much of pewter; an' the napkin that's your sort; an' the bit of bread which it isn't too much for a 'ealthy happetite. Now then, granny, go in and win!" "So like," murmured the old woman, as she gazed in Slidder's face.

He resolved, however, to wait for half an hour, and went out to saunter in front of the hotel. Half an hour passed, then another, then another, and the boy was fain to leave the spot in despair. Poor Slidder's temperament was sanguine. Slight encouragement raised his hopes very high. Failure depressed him proportionally and woefully low, but, to do him justice, he never sorrowed long.

Young Slidder's spirits were high, and for a considerable time he entertained me with a good deal of the East-end gossip. Among other things, he told me of the great work that was being done there by Dr Barnardo and others of similar spirit, in rescuing waifs like himself from their wretched condition. "Though some on us don't think it so wretched arter all," he continued.