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The air was filled with the jocund jingling of sleighbells, now coming, now near at hand, now lessening into the distance, a pleasing confusion of silvery sounds, not inharmonious in their varying pitch and intensity. Emmet, crouching low among his blankets, drew his cap down over his eyes and let out another link of speed.

Then quite distinctly he heard the sound of sleighbells, faint and far and continuous. Bobby's sleepy thoughts resolved about the old question. This might be Santa. Dared he look? As his faculties cleared, his common-sense resumed sway. He turned over in bed.

All her life Mary had been dreaming romances about other people, now in a vague sweet way those dreams began to centre around herself. It was almost dark when they left the train. Phil was at the station to meet them with a sleigh and a team of spirited black horses. "Oh, sleighbells!" sighed Joyce, ecstatically, as she climbed into the back seat beside Betty.

"And you hear their sleighbells," finished Nan. "Hi, Walter! Hi!" They had come out upon the boulevard, and approaching along the snow-covered driveway was Walter Mason's spirited black horse and Walter driving in his roomy cutter. The horse was a pacer and he came up the drive with that rolling action peculiar to his kind, but which takes one over the road very rapidly.

Moreland Price that he was the head of a sort of dope trust, that he had messengers out, like Sleighbells, that he had often put dope in the prescriptions sent him by the doctor, and had repeatedly violated the law and refilled such prescriptions. On its face it was complete and convincing. Yet it did not satisfy Constance. She could not believe that Adele had committed suicide.

By the time lunch was over, however, it had completely stopped snowing, and the paths were comparatively clear. The girls gathered expectantly in the hall, dressed according to their Captain's directions. "Are we going to hike?" asked Frances, looking about in vain for Miss Phillips. The jingle of sleighbells in front of the door gave an answer to this question.

The town was snow-covered, too, and the frozen river, and wherever one went, the air was full of the gay jingle-jangle of countless sleighbells, while the streets were thronged with a motley collection of equipages, from the luxuriously upholstered double sleigh with its swaying robes and floating plumes, down to the shapeless home-made "pung" with its ragged, unlined buffalo skin snugly tucked in about the shawled and veiled grandma, who smilingly awaited her good man while he purchased the week's supply of groceries.

The floating spots, changing from crimson to green and from green to purple, so obscured his vision that he failed to see the figure of a woman plodding slowly on in the centre of the track. The wind was directly ahead, and the hood of a golf cape so closely enveloped the woman's head that she for her part was deaf to the sound of coming sleighbells.

All M'booley's attendants were the giddiest and gaudiest savages we had yet seen, with more colobus fur, sleighbells, polished metal, ostrich plumes, and red paint than would have fitted out any two other royal courts of the jungle. The women too were wealthy and opulent without limit.

Before two o'clock, when it began to be dark, we were all assembled, and soon after two the melancholy sound of the sleighbells announced the arrival of the students. We hurriedly pulled on our furs and went out.