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"Why the boys should drive away Little sweet maidens from the play, Or love to banter and fight so well, That Is the thing I never could tell." One day I thoughtlessly accepted an invitation to get through a gap in the garden-fence, to where the doctor's two boys were preparing to take an imaginary sleigh-ride in midsummer.

If there is any particular ball we cannot find, that is, some fact we cannot remember, then if we pull the neighboring balls it is likely that they by the connecting strings will bring the missing ball into sight. To illustrate this, suppose that you cannot remember the route of that sleigh-ride.

He had taught them to skate, and given them their first sleigh-ride; he had helped them in the making of sleds, and never came down to the village but with his pockets full of rosy apples to the little ones. They made many a day pleasant for his little girl, both at his house and theirs; and he thought nothing too much to do for those who were kind to Emily.

You know Molly; the girl that took me to your house or run me into you on her skate. She's a dreadful nice girl, Molly is; but I don't believe she ever had a sleigh-ride, either. Poor Molly."

It was a dull December day, and she had called for a hasty visit. "My dear Agnes," said Mrs. Gooding, "we are simply delighted! It has waked her up and made a different creature of her. She is almost as easy and sociable with May's friends now as May is herself. Yesterday afternoon half a dozen of them came in with May to get warm after a long sleigh-ride.

She dreaded a repetition of some such words as had been uttered at the end of the sleigh-ride. She told herself that she had no right to grieve Bertram, to make it hard for him by being with him; but at the very next breath, she could but question; did she grieve him? Was it hard for him to have her with him? Then she would glance at his eager face and meet his buoyant smile and answer "no."

"That cannot prove such a difficult affair; young ladies, ordinarily, consenting readily enough to be diverted with a sleigh-ride." "The off-one carries himself more like a colonel, at the head of his regiment, than like an ignorant horse!" "I will propose the matter to Herman Mordaunt, or to Anneke, herself, if you desire it."

When she went down, and backed about for her mother to fasten her little frock as was her wont, she was careful to keep her face turned away; but Fanny caught her up and kissed her in her usual way, and then her aunt Eva sung out to know if she wanted to go on a sleigh-ride, and had she seen the snow; and then her father came in and that look of last night had gone from his face, and Ellen was her old self again until she was alone by herself and remembered.

A picnic once in a while sleigh-ride in winter sewing-bees dance at at Abbie's; and all in the company of a set of country bumpkins, like Bill Reynolds, and awkward farmers' daughters! "It won't do must be attended to! The good education I was at such pains to give them it'll only make them miserable if they're to wear their lives out here.

"Newsboys? sleigh-ride? free dinner afterward? Well, of course we'll help. No; don't take that turkey. It's an old one. Here; I'll pick out a lot for you. How many? My sake! That is a heap, indeed! Well, you just go across and get your cranberries and celery and other stuff, and I'll send my wagon up with you to carry the whole business."