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You had better tell us at once, that that fellow Slackbridge is not in the town, stirring up the people to mutiny; and that he is not a regular qualified leader of the people: that is, a most confounded scoundrel. You had better tell us so at once; you can't deceive me. You want to tell us so. Why don't you?

But I'd liefer you'd hearn the truth concernin myseln, fro my lips than fro onny other man's, though I never cud'n speak afore so monny, wi'out bein moydert and muddled. Slackbridge shook his head as if he would shake it off, in his bitterness. 'I'm th' one single Hand in Bounderby's mill, o' a' the men theer, as don't coom in wi' th' proposed reg'lations. I canna coom in wi' 'em.

Thus Slackbridge; gnashing and perspiring after a prodigious sort.

If the man's heer, Slackbridge, let's hear the man himseln, 'stead o' yo. Which was received with a round of applause. 'Oh, my friends and fellow-men! said Slackbridge then, shaking his head with violent scorn, 'I do not wonder that you, the prostrate sons of labour, are incredulous of the existence of such a man.

I ha' never had no fratch afore, sin ever I were born, wi' any o' my like; Gonnows I ha' none now that's o' my makin'. Yo'll ca' me traitor and that yo I mean t' say, addressing Slackbridge, 'but 'tis easier to ca' than mak' out. So let be. He had moved away a pace or two to come down from the platform, when he remembered something he had not said, and returned again.

Slackbridge, the delegate, had to address his audience too that night; and Slackbridge had obtained a clean bill from the printer, and had brought it in his pocket.

There was a propriety, not to say a dignity in these words, that made the hearers yet more quiet and attentive. The same strong voice called out, 'Slackbridge, let the man be heern, and howd thee tongue! Then the place was wonderfully still.

Then Slackbridge, who had kept his oratorical arm extended during the going out, as if he were repressing with infinite solicitude and by a wonderful moral power the vehement passions of the multitude, applied himself to raising their spirits.

The assembly was divided at this point. There were some groans and hisses, but the general sense of honour was much too strong for the condemnation of a man unheard. 'Be sure you're right, Slackbridge! 'Put him up! 'Let's hear him! Such things were said on many sides. Finally, one strong voice called out, 'Is the man heer?

A few stern voices called out 'No! and a score or two hailed, with assenting cries of 'Hear, hear! the caution from one man, 'Slackbridge, y'or over hetter in't; y'or a goen too fast! But these were pigmies against an army; the general assemblage subscribed to the gospel according to Slackbridge, and gave three cheers for him, as he sat demonstratively panting at them.